To Beer or Not to Beer?
Popularity of beer as a beverage is not to be questioned not even for a second. We all know how many people enjoy this beverage daily, and continue drinking it for the rest of their lives. However, we also know that many who know no limits to this beer consumption, often end up with having quite a large beer belly. These phenomenons are very hard to get rid of and they are mainly formed due to the great caloric value this alcoholic beverage possesses. Thus, beer drinkers often end up blaming their passion for the current state of affairs regarding their looks. This, however, is not fair. Numerous factors influence the appearance of beer belly upon one's stomach and most of them are closely connected to the beer drinker's lifestyle. Namely, drinking in moderation will surely leave your belly as it is. On the other hand, excessive indulgence in beer is bound to leave its mark on your physical appearance. Moreover, if you combine your passion for beer with bad eating habits and lack of physical exercise, you are not even supposed to expect a figure worthy of Michelangelo's David in the first place. With great pleasure comes great responsibility, and without this responsibility comes only beer belly.
How To Get Rid of Beer Belly?
First and foremost, stop drinking so much. A pint daily is more than enough. This way, you will enjoy all the benefits of this beverage rich in antioxidants. Many recommend moderate consumption of beer and alcohol in general and all is well as long as you know your limits. You may enjoy beer without getting intoxicated or experiencing blackouts. Any overuse will surely take its toll on you, causing beer belly and numerous health problems.
Next, make sure you stay away from junk and fast food. Even when you cut your daily dosage of beer, malnutrition will easily prevent your beer belly from disappearing. Therefore, you are highly advised to introduce vegetables, fruit, proteins and healthy fat into your diet. This will make your metabolism better and thus prevent excessive fat from being created, reducing the size of your troublesome belly in no time, making you feel wonderfully healthy at the same time.
Last but not the least, being a couch potato and having the remote control as your only exercising machine will not make you fit, but, it will surely make you fat. You need to exercise regularly in order to burn those extra calories being the main culprits behind you beer belly.
To sum up, enjoy your beer in moderation, eat the right food and lead a physically active life. Having these three rules as your lifestyle guides will make your stomach tight and attractive without ever having to spend a day not enjoying a good, cold pint.
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