Cough in Children
Cough can be caused by a number of different reasons,including: allergic reactions, virus infections, sinus and other respiratoryproblems. There are two distinctive coughs: one is dry and the other one is withthe mucus. Usually, dry cough indicates that there’s something (bacteria orsome different particles) irritating the throat. Productive cough, whichcontains mucus is associated with bronchial infections and sinusitis.
Children find cough especially hard. It can cause sleepingproblems and affect the mood and the behavior of a child. Most coughmedicines for children are in the form of the syrup, since the kids are morelikely to tolerate this form than any other.
Be careful and always read the label on the syrup – many aremade strictly for adults and shouldn’t be used for kids. Frequently used coughsyrups for children are: Tylenol and Triaminic. Be aware that cough syrups aren’tsuitable for children under the age of 10.
Tylenol is used to treat kids with fever andcoughing, and sometimes to ease common cold headaches. Tylenol containsexpectorant, which breaks the mucus and supports its excretion. It is made inmany flavors, so the kid might choose his/hers favorite one, making thetreatment looks like a game.
Triaminic syrup contains substances which suppress the cough. It ismade especially for children, who experience cough and sleeping problems,because of the lung infection. Triaminicis proven beneficial to put the children easily to sleep, without being interruptedwith cough.
Vicks is designed to treat dry cough, and it is said toeffectively relieve even the stubborn dry cough. This syrup contains honey,which is one of the best known natural products that affect the cough.
Cough Remedies for Young Children
You shouldn’t use any OTC (over the counter) medications inchildren under the age of 4. However, there are several products labeled asinfant syrups, but these are not safe or approved by the FDA. Most specialistswill advise using the saline drops and suction pumps and, sometimes use ofhumidifiers.
Natural Remedies for Cough in Children
Doctors frequently recommend natural preparations, torelieve cough in children. Recommendations include: plenty of water, teas and soups.More fluids you take more easily the mucus will be excreted.
Natural remedies also included fruit juices sweetened withsome honey. Grape juice and honey would ease the throat and there is also lemonand honey mixture for cough. You shouldn’t give honey and lemon to kids under12 years.
Be careful when giving your child the syrup. Use only thoseprescribed by your doctor and approved by the FDA. Follow the dosage and theduration of the treatment closely. Do not use more of the medication than itwas prescribed, because children are very sensitive to cough medications overdose.
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