Herbs for Strengthening the Immunity
Natural biostimulators are derived from natural resources, and are found in medicinal herbs and natural herbal products. They strengthen the defensive power of the body and health generally. There are a number of herbal products and tea mixtures that can be safely and effectively used in the prevention of influenza and increasing immunity.In order to enhance the immunity, it is helpful to use products based on Echinacea and mullein. Rosehip is a plant rich in vitamin C, and a good ally in fighting viruses of all kinds. The combination of propolis, vitamin C and selfheal (Prunella vulgaris), which contains the active ingredient prunellin, maintains the effectiveness of the natural defense mechanism of the body. In addition to products that enhance the immune system, tea made of licorice root or elder should be used with the first signs of colds or flu. These herbs show antiviral abilities, which are very useful in the case of influenza and viral infections.
Raspberry leaf tea is rich in malic, salicylic, citric and formic acid, ethereal oils and vitamin C, and very positively effects on the alleviation of flu symptoms. Also, a tea mixture made of mint, elder and ginger helps in the case of fever, because it stimulates sweating.
Herbs for Stuffy Nose
Inhalation with tea tree oil or eucalyptus oil can open the blocked sinuses. Essential oils of eucalyptus and peppermint, mixed with olive or almond oil can be rubbed on the chest, to open respiratory pathways and effect on bronchi. Eucalyptus improves microcirculation, cell viability and their ability to regenerate, and has antiseptic effect.Combination of Hamamelis and eucalyptus and pine essential oils can be used as an ideal natural product to facilitate breathing and for easier removal of secretions from the nasal cavity.
Herbs for Tonsillitis
Echinacea, chamomile, sage and mullein teas can be very helpful in the case of tonsillitis.Also, gargling with salt water, honey, lemon and sage mixture, which has astringent tannins and shows antimicrobial properties, relieves the inflammation.
Herbs for Cough
Tea made of mullein or coltsfoot will help in the case of mild cough. Ginger, anise and licorice, consumed in the form of a tea mixture can help in reducing the mucus (phlegm) in the respiratory tract. Also, chest massage with honey may help with persistent cough. Inhalation with lavender essential oil, or making hot bath with lavender oil added, can also help in alleviating the cough.Also, ivy, which is rich in saponins, positively effects on the secretion diluting. In the case of a persistent cough, it is the best to use natural syrups based on the white Marshmallows root, evening primrose extract and chamomile tinctures. Mucus from the white Marshmallow root inlays the throat mucosa and reduces the irritation to cough, while chamomile tincture has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties and gently soothes the irritated lining of the respiratory tract.
Also, plantain can be used as a very good tool for expectorant. Plantain is rich mucous substances which attach to the lining and reduce irritation in case of dry cough.
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