Trying to conceive after IUD removal
Women who would like to start trying for a baby, and have an intrauterine device (IUD) in place, may wonder how soon after the device's removal they will become fertile...

Natural treatments for postpartum hemorrhage - do they work?
Blood loss after giving birth is called postpartum hemorrhage if the mother loses more than two cups. This heavy blood loss can occur right after birth, or many hours later...

Morning after pill side effects
The morning after pill is an emergency contraception that can be used after unprotected sex, to prevent pregnancy. The instructions given by the manufacturer should always be followed precisely, and...

What is an ovarian dermoid cyst?
An ovarian teratoma a type of germ cell tumor meaning tumors that start out in egg cells and sperm cells. Teratoma can be cancerous (in the case of immature teratoma)...

Sex after an episiotomy
An episiotomy is a surgical cut made between the vagina and rectum, to increase the size of the opening. They are carried out to prevent vaginal tears and to make...

What is a unicornuate uterus?
A unicornuate uterus is a congenital uterine abnormality, which means that it is present at birth. What exactly is a unicornuate uterus, and how does it affect a woman's chances...

Can you have sex during lochia?
Ask your obstetrician/gynecologist when you can have sex after giving birth, and you will most likely be told to wait until after your postpartum bleeding (lochia) stops. But, why are...

What is a retained placenta following childbirth?
A retained placenta after childbirth is just what you expect it to be a placenta that will not deliver after a baby has been born. A placenta can be retained...

What to expect from a Pap smear
A Pap smear or Pap test is designed to check for abnormal cells in the cervix, the opening of the uterus. Pap smears are important because they can detect cervical...

Cycle after breastfeeding
Are you a nursing mom who is curious what her menstrual cycles will be like after weaning? No matter whether you breastfeed for a few months or a few years...