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Viral encephalitis in children

Viral encephalitis in children

Encephalitis is the inflammation of the brain. It can be infectious or autoimmune. It is a very complex condition that does not have only one cause. In fact, encephalitis is...

Encephalitis epidemic treatment

Encephalitis epidemic treatment

It is very important to correctly and promptly diagnose the presence of herpes simplex encephalitis. Any delay in the diagnostic procedure can increase the rates of morbidity and mortality. For...

Limbic encephalitis treatment

Limbic encephalitis treatment

Human brain may be looked as three part system. The first part is the brain stem, responsible for attention, arousal and our consciousness, but also the breathing process, heart function...

Yoga in Down syndrome: Adult lifestyle

Yoga in Down syndrome: Adult lifestyle

Down syndrome is one of the mostcommonly seen congenital conditions, manifesting through a specificarray of symptoms stemming from the presence of the third chromosomeon the 21st one. Therefore, people with...

Tick borne encephalitis vaccine

Tick borne encephalitis vaccine

Tick-borne Encephalitis occurs as a result of a flavivirus. This virus is from the family as Japanese encephalitis and yellow fever. Normally, the virus is spread by tick bites. Spread...

Encephalitis brain infection

Encephalitis brain infection

Medical term for the inflammation or swelling of the brain is encephalitis. This problem is very rare in general and there are very few viruses which can cross blood brain...

Encephalitis by mosquitoes

Encephalitis by mosquitoes

Viral encephalitis represents inflammation of the brain tissue caused by the presence of certain viruses and reaction of the immune system to these infective agents. There are many viruses capable...

Epilepsy behavior problems

Epilepsy behavior problems

It is confirmed that epilepsy may cause certain behavior changes in the affected individual. In the majority of cases behavioral changes are closely related to poorly controlled seizures as well...