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Statistics and facts on underage drinking

Statistics and facts on underage drinking

Drinking in Young AgeAlcohol has been a very popular drug among teenagers and young adults, while underage drinking is one of the main public health issues in the US. There...

Getting your newborn the best screening tests

Getting your newborn the best screening tests

Screening tests are the cornerstone of special diagnostic examinations taken at birth and performed to check whether a baby is suffering from a potentially harmful illness. It is obligatory to...

Learning disabilities in children

Learning disabilities in children

What is a Learning Disability?It is often the case that parents of children who might be having a learning disability are overwhelmed by the amount of various information that is...

Prevention of underage drinking

Prevention of underage drinking

Overview of Underage DrinkingAlcohol abuse is characterized by a pattern of use of the drug which causes numerous health, work, family, financial, and social problems. Frequent drinking also leads to...

Stress symptoms in children

Stress symptoms in children

Usually, children are perceived as careless beings who spend their days in happiness, serenity, playfulness and joy. Surely, these kinds of beings could not possibly be exposed to any stress...

Facts about pediatric falls in hospitals

Facts about pediatric falls in hospitals

People who spend time in hospitals may fall due to different reasons, risking having their time of hospitalization increased because of the injuries sustained. Also, these situations may easily result...

Underage drinking is harmful for health

Underage drinking is harmful for health

Alcoholism or alcohol dependence is a negative pattern of alcohol consumption which leads to various different problems. Some of the most commonly seen problems of alcoholism are needing more alcohol...

Epilepsy symptoms in children

Epilepsy symptoms in children

Currently, epilepsy is a condition affecting about 2.5 million of American citizens, with about 180,000 people with this health issue appearing each year. Epilepsy is a currently incurable health condition...

Hepatitis A: Symptoms in children

Hepatitis A: Symptoms in children

Hepatitis A is inflammation of the liver caused by hepatitis virus A, a RNA virus and a member of genus hepatovirus, family Picornaviridae. The infection caused by hepatitis A is...