Dry skin rash on face
Dry skin rashes commonly take place during the winter months of the year, when the temperature outside is low, and the temperature inside is high. Also, lack of humidity in...

Early detection of skin cancer gives you better chance for successful skin cancer treatment!
Skin cancer is a pretty common condition nowadays. Skin cancer occurs when there is an abnormal growth of skin cells. In a majority of cases, skin cancer occurs due to...

Mouth care to prevent oral herpes
Oral herpes is a condition which, as the name itself suggests, appears on the surface of one's mouth. This health problem takes place due to the herpes virus, attacking the...

Eye diseases symptoms
People who wear contact lenses may be more prone to suffering from eye infections than other individuals. Basically, these infections can be bacterial, viral or fungal.Reasons behind Eye DiseasesOnce a...

Stop fever blisters
A lot of people all over the world suffer from fever blisters. Fever blisters are also known as cold sores. The cause of cold sores is a certain virus called...

Early symptoms of Joseph disease
DefinitionJoseph disease, or more precisely Machado-Joseph disease, is a severe genetic disease affecting the nervous system blamed for disability which results from paralysis and many additional neurological issues. This disease...

What is shwachman syndrome
Thanks to modern medicine we are now familiar with the term genetic diseases. These disorders develop due to chromosomal abnormalities. The associated health problems affected individuals develop remain for the...

Cytomegalovirus infects people around the globe
Cytomegalovirus is an infectious agent and a cause of an infection which is basically well tolerated by healthy individuals. In healthy people the virus multiplies in the body, triggers certain...

Dwarfism back problems
Achondroplastic dwarfism is a condition manifesting through short built, with short extremities and a prominently large head with a big forehead. Also, the nose of people suffering from this type...

Eye diseases that cause blindness
Some people have trouble seeing at night or having a clear vision in situation where there is low level of illumination. This condition is known as night blindness, taking place...