Some people have trouble seeing at night or having a clear vision in situation where there is low level of illumination. This condition is known as night blindness, taking place due to a disorder in the cells which are located in the outer areas of the retina. Injury, malnutrition, genetics or some other underlying eye problems, all can be behind this condition.
Signs of Night Blindness
Basically, the first sign of this disorder is one's inability to see clearly during the night or during daytime situations when light is scarce. The vision impairment in these situations is usually severe and the sufferers cannot see anything at all, when exposed to darkness.
Along with blindness, the affected individuals may suffer from dry eyes and blurred vision. Additionally, contrast vision, which is inability to notice moving objects or people in poorly illuminated environment, may be present as well.
The eyes of these people get extremely tired once they watch TV or read a book for an extended period of time. Also, when the affected individuals move from dark to light areas and vice-versa, their eyes need quite some time in order to adjust themselves to these changes.
Finally, bumping into objects around the house during nightfall may be the first sign of this health issue you will notice.
Due to all the reasons mentioned above, people with night blindness cannot drive a vehicle during the night and may require additional sources of illumination once they desire to read a book or some other written documents.
Note that, in some cases, night blindness may occur after an eye vision correction surgery done by lasers.
Reasons behind Night Blindness
As it was mentioned above, physically, this condition takes place if one's retinal area rod cells cannot deal with light like they usually do. This state of affairs may happen over a longer period of time and, thus, the night blindness is usually gradual.
Congenital night blindness is present at birth and gets worse over time.
Furthermore, retinol and vitamin A deficiency can trigger dry eyes, thus leading to night blindness in the long run. Nutrition does not necessarily have to be behind this problem. Rather, a pancreas or liver surgery may trigger vitamin A malabsorption. Cataract may lead to this condition as well, along with glaucoma which makes the pupil closed, causing the onset of night blindness.
Treatment for Night Blindness
Treating the underlying causes will allow the patient to overcome night blindness. Thus, cataract will have to be operated, vitamin A supplements prescribed if necessary and numerous eye tests done in order to find some other reasons behind this vision problem.
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