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This therapy is a very important part of the recovery from the condition called bursitis and almost every kind of the bursitis is treated in the very similar fashion. But there are several types of physical therapy. The joint that is the source of the problems determines which type of the physical therapy will be used and conducted. We will give more information about this in the following text. The body movement largely depends on the joints that make all possible. They are very complicated and we do not have to say that they can cause many problems if they are not functioning properly, which is why keeping them healthy is something we advise. The joints can be affected by several problems, among which is the bursitis. There is a small sac located in the joints and if it becomes inflamed, bursitis is created. The lubrication of the joint is done with the help of the fluid located in this sac. This problem has to be treated, which is when physical therapy comes into the play.

Hip Bursitis Physical Therapy

This problem, also called trochanteric, involves problems when walking, swimming and doing other similar activities. It also eliminates the use of long stretches. One of the exercises that are done in the physical therapy of this kind is piriformis. You should lie down on a flat surface for this exercise, as well as for others done during this therapy. For this exercise, lie on your back, place the feet on the floor and raise the knees. Then the leg on one side should be raised and crossed over the other and then stretched with one below the knee. Remember that the raised leg should be the one located on the side of the affected hip. Then pull the leg towards the chest, stretch the muscle and remain in this position for 15 seconds. After this, you should relax and this ends this exercise. You should repeat this three times. You can also keep the leg in a raised position, 6 to 8 inches above the ground. This simple exercise should be done 10 times in one set, and you need to do three sets.

Shoulder Physical Therapy

We will give you three exercises you can do if you are having this problem. The first involves hanging of the arm at your side while you are bent from the waist. Then make small circles by moving the body in the clockwise and counter clockwise direction. Next exercise starts with standing sideways with the wall. The elbow should be at a 90-degree angle and then the outer forearm should be placed on the wall. Then you should contract the muscles while pressing the arm to the wall. Repeat this five times and remember to hold the position for five seconds. The last exercise is done while lying on your stomach. You should bend the elbow and keep the hand down. Start raising the hand and stop once it reaches the shoulder level. Return the hand in the initial position and do the same with the other hand. You can also try cold compress and massages along with the medications. They should bring relief from the problem.

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