Bursa is sac filled with fluid, which is located between bones, tendons and joints in your hip. Bursitis is sometimes very unpleasant and painful inflammatory reaction of a bursa sac. There are many bursa sacs in your larger joints, and several of them are located in your hip near upper leg bone, called femur. These several bursa sack in your hip region is called greater trochanter. Trochanteric bursitis is verypainful.
Some of the causes of trochanteric bursitis usually are when people are involved in hard work activities or sports, thus overusing their hips in physical activities, such as repeating movements, extensive and prolonged sitting, or running. But trochanteric bursitis mostly affects elderly and middle aged women and older man, but it can happen to younger ones, too.
There also others possible cause of recurrent trochanteric bursitis and it may be lumbar spine diseases like scoliosis, rheumatoid arthritis, recurrent minor traumatic injuries, repetitive stress or overuse related injuries, leg length difference, previous hip surgeries, excessive standing for prolonged periods of time, an acute trauma such as fall, prolonged lying on one side of your body, etc.
Signs and symptoms of trochanteric bursitis can be loss of free motion in your hip, pain in the areas around hip which goes right down to your knee, night pain together with sleep disorder, aching pain in upper thigh, problems with stairs climbing, standing or sitting for too long, worsening pain with motion or pressure on your hip, and pain when you are laying down and try to turn to the other side.
In case that you have one or several of these symptoms, it is best to consult your doctor. In the meantime there are several things you can do in order to help yourself. Lying still and give time to painful hip to recover itself, is also a good idea.
You can try some non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen, to apply ice pack on painful areas, for 15-20 minutes per day, try to use cane while injury heals, weight loss combined with appropriate exercises, stretching or strengthen based.
On order for you to prevent trochanteric bursitis, either to happen or to recur, you should introduce regular set of exercises, after consultation with your doctor or physical therapist and avoid standing up for a longer time.
Here are some types of exercises that your doctor may recommend to you;
Stabilization exercises
Instead to just treat you in order to relieve your pain, these exercises try to strengthen your surrounding areas of your hip, like buttocks and tights, in order to help you share weight distribution on your hip.
Progressive and resistiveexercises
That exercise are used most commonly in rehabilitation period, and includes light weight lifting, manual resistance exercises, pulley systems etc. point of theses exercises is to strengthen your muscled around your hip and stabilize your joints.
Once your pain is diminished and your range of motion is restored, you will be given some home training and exercise advices and programs.
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