Definition of bursitis
Bursitis is reaction on inflammation of a bursa. Bursa is a small fluid-filled sac that acts as a gliding surface to minimize friction between joints, bones and tendons. Most problematic are places near large joints, such as elbows, shoulders, ankles, knees and hip. Bursitis causes stiffness and pain in tissues around those places, rather in joints itself.
Bursitis can be chronic (repeated inflammation of the same area), or acute (sharp and sudden pain after the injury.
Causes of bursitis
Causes of bursitis are, most commonly, in cases when people are overusing some parts of their body in physical activities, such as extensive and prolonged sitting, running, repeating movements or uncomfortable shoes. There are some professional athletes who are more prone to this, such tennis players. Also, in big risk are people with arthritis, infection and gout.
Signs and symptoms of bursitis
Usually, they are:-pain in the areas of the bursa-swelling-stiffness or dull ache in areas around big joints-worsening pain with motion or pressure-loss of free motion in affected areas
Diagnose of bursitis
To accurately diagnose bursitis, your doctor must know your medical history and physically examine you. Also, blood tests and X-ray is sometimes necessary. Medical history is relevant to understanding of your recent ongoing activities regiment. Physical examination will further reveal the exact nature of your injury. Y-rays are taken to eliminate the possibility of bone abnormalities, calcium deposits or arthritis. Blood test are done in are there some addition problems, such as gout or rheumatoid arthritis.
Treatments for bursitis
Treatments for bursitis usually include:-immobilizing of affected area or joint-applying heat for chronic inflammation-applying cold in cases of acute inflammation-removing by syringe the extra fluid from swollen bursa-massage, hydrotherapy and other physical treatments
In some cases, R.I.C.E therapy, pain or anti-inflammatory medication can be prescribed.Acute bursitis usually lasts one or two weeks, and some time longer in home treatment. Chronic one, concurrently reappear in the same places.
Prevention of bursitis
You can protect yourself from bursitis, by doing the following:-keep in good shape at all times-avoid overuse of limbs or joint in general, either in hard labors or in sports and recreation-strengthen the muscles regularly-do appropriate cool-down and warm-up exercises-take more breaks when you do heavy labor or excessive exercise -try always to place your joints on cushions-try to avoid sitting or kneeling on hard surfaces for longer periods of time-use comfortable cushioned chairs
After you have an episode of bursitis, try to find what caused it, and remove or change whatever it is.
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