Tendonitis is a problem of tendons muscles inflammation, the tendons located in the bone, and it commonly affects the rotator cuff, knees, and elbows, but it generally can affect any joint. Patients can take supplements that can reduce the problems caused by this condition.
There are vitamins and mineral supplements on one side, and other supplements that are developed for more specific purposes. The cause for this problem is a fungus called candida albicans, which is produced by our body, but when it starts to grow in numbers, the problem arises. This can happen because of stress, improper diet, corticosteroids, and overuse of antibiotics.
Patients have to implement good bacteria in their nutrition so they can fight the bad ones. The good ones can be found in coconut oil, garlic, and other food. Not treating this problem can cause an infection.

Minerals and Vitamin Supplements
Vitamins, such as C and A, are very good sidekicks in fighting against tendonitis. Their use will eliminate inflammation.
Other vitamins that can prove to be useful are vitamins which are bioflavonoids, and vitamin B12. The use of vitamin B12 in the form of injection can reduce inflammation and it can also reduce pain. The use of magnesium will reduce pain and inflammation. Dimethyl sulfide is a mineral with anti-inflammatory properties.
Many studies were conducted and the results showed that this mineral can reduce the problem significantly. Some studies do not produce so positive results, so if you decide to use these supplements, do it with caution.
- Nutraceuticals are common support therapy for the management of tendinopathies. Even if they are widely diffused, our knowledge is still poor. The aim of this systematic review is to analyze the most commonly used nutraceuticals and their effects on tendons.
- Glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate, vitamin C, hydrolazed type 1 collagen, arginine alpha-keto-glutarate, bromelain, curcumin, boswellic acid, and methil-sulfonil-methane were considered.
- Preclinical and clinical data from 46 articles from all databases were analyzed. All these nutraceuticals demonstrated several effects on normal and pathological tendons. Preclinical and clinical studies showed a possible role on collagen synthesis, inflammation, mechanical properties, and maturation of collagen bundles, antioxidant effect, edema, and analgesia.
- The majority clinical studies had some methodological limitations with an average Modified Coleman Methodology Score of 51.3 points and SD of 20.5 points. In particular, there were very low values in power, error, outcome assessment, and clinical effect.
The use of proteolytic enzymes can be used on minor injuries. They can make the healing faster and remove the swelling and pain more efficiently. The use of MSM can make the tissue soft, reduce inflammation, and affect positively on cell membranes.
Another very effective supplement is serrapeptase, which will remove the inflammation very quickly. Other possible supplements are silicon and silica supplements.
Other Supplements for Tendonitis
Use of glucosamine can prove to be useful. It will allow the tendons more movement and freedom. The use of this supplement can go with chondroitin. The nerves will be calmer if you use St. John’s wort. Swelling can be reduced with the use of bromelain, which is an enzyme supplement. It can also be used for healing minor injuries and pain.
Remember that one supplement may not be enough, but a combination will probably give results. To prevent the problem from happening, have a healthy diet and try to do stretching exercises regularly.
The problem should be reduced after a few weeks, but it may take even a year for it to go away completely. This condition can become chronic, if it remains after six months.
- www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/ConditionsAndTreatments/tendonitis
- medlineplus.gov/ency/patientinstructions/000546.htm
- Photo courtesy of OlafJanssen by Wikimedia Commons: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Tendon_inflammation_-_Tendonitis_--_Smart-Servier.png
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