Chronic Tendonitis
Tendons are connecting tissues that connect the bones and the muscles. They make muscle stretching possible and they’re very important for the proper functioning of the joins and their movement. But, their elasticity becomes loose with age, so they can become torn easily in the later stages of life. Tendonitis is connected with the inflammation of the tendons and this problem causes great pain and impairs the movement of the body. Tendons are located on many places in the human body, so this problem may be experienced in the feet, shoulders, elbows, ankles, hands, heels and others. One of the most common places for this problem is Achilles tendon. We have mentioned that age plays great part in the creation of this problem, due to the excessive tear and wear of the tendons. This creates more chances of new problems and leads to the creation of chronic tendonitis. Also, the scar tissue forms and inflammation and pain follow.
Causes and Symptoms
Some of the common causes are the muscle cramps, sprains, strain of the tendons, stretching of the muscles, wrong posture, wrong way of exercising, tendon injury, repetitive motions, tendon wear/tear, aging and arthritis. When we talk about the symptoms of the chronic tendonitis, they are lumpy, warm, swollen and reddened area, burning sensation surrounding the area, pain, restricted movement and pain felt during pressure application on the tendon, due to the physical activity. Some of the symptoms of early stages of the problem and warning signs are pain during movement, morning and night severe pain, muscle swelling, stiffness and pain, and painless restricted movement.
Next, we will focus on the treatment associated with the problem of chronic tendonitis. The affected area may experience some improvement of the movement due to the physical therapy. Also, the same effect can be gained with the massages of the affected area with the mustard, olive or sesame oil. The pain can be relieved with the use of painkillers, but getting plenty of rest is also very important for the healing. You can apply ice packs, perform stretching exercises or even undergo a surgery if other treatment methods prove unsuccessful. The movement of the injured tendon can be restricted with the use of ankle, wrist or knee brace, which will reduce the swelling and prevent the problem from aggravation. Chronic tendonitis can easily be developed because if we keep moving, the healing cannot take place since the tendon is used constantly. So, avoid repetitive strain of the tendon and stretch before exercising. Cortisone injections can be used but they are used only in very serious cases due to the side effects they can create, like the immune system weakening. Surgery can also be done, but it is the last resort.
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