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About beetroot juice

Beetroot juice, especially if plain and pure, can be a bit tasteless, to say the least. However, it is one of the healthiest beverages in the world.

Beetroot juice is obtained by squeezing or juicing fresh, raw beets. Beets are very nutritious and offer a wide array of health benefits. The taste is not the most delicious in the world, but the good thing is that it can be mixed with other fruit and vegetable juices for better taste. It goes great with freshly squeezed orange juice, carrot juice, apple sauce, cherries, pineapples, wheatgrass juice and cabbage juice.

Nutritionists claim that drinking just one medium glass of beetroot juice can do wonders for the health and even cure some ailments. The juice can be made at home using a juicer or a blender. The only problem with it is that it leaves stains on utensils, glass, ceramics, even on metal, which is why it is recommended to wash them.

Health benefits of beetroot juice

Beetroot juice is packed with many essential nutrients. It contains magnesium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, iron, copper, selenium, potassium and manganese. As for the vitamins, it is rich in B complex vitamins, especially B1, B2 and B3, as well as in vitamin A.

This juice contains important amino acids, which serve as building blocks for protein in the body.

Beetroot juice also provides certain antioxidants which repair the damage suffered due to free radicals. Flavonoids and carotenoids are very useful against LDL or the so-called bad cholesterol, they protect the arteries and prevent cardiovascular disease.

A glass of this juice per day is highly recommended for people who suffer from hypertension or high blood pressure, because it normalizes the pressure naturally, without having to take chemical drugs. This, of course, only applies to cases of mild hypertension.

Beetroot juice also purifies the blood, promotes elimination of toxins and waste products and regenerates the liver. It improves the function of the immune system and promotes healing after trauma and injuries.

One of the major benefits of this juice is its effect on the blood. It increases the production of hemoglobin and also improves circulation. Better circulation also affects the skin and the hair in a positive way. The juice can also be massaged directly into the scalp to fortify the roots and strands and to make the hair shinier.

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