Beet juice is a great and simple way to reap the benefits of this nutritious root vegetable. This juice combines well with other juices in delicious and healthy cocktails, especially with apple, orange and carrot juices. Drinking one glass of beet juice per day can greatly improve the overall health and it can help in the fight against existing diseases and conditions.
Benefits of beet juice
Many benefits of beet and its juice come from the pigment called betacyanin, which is responsible for the amazing deep purple color of beets. This pigment is believed to have cancer-fighting properties, especially when it comes to colon cancer. One Hungarian doctor used to treat cancer patients with beet juice alone, back in 1950s, and his therapy turned out to be successful in those who continued to drink the juice. However, in those who have stopped drinking beet juice after they were cured, the tumors have, unfortunately, returned.
Several studies performed on laboratory animals have shown that beet juice can increase significantly the levels of “good” cholesterol and reduce the levels of “bad” cholesterol and triglycerides, which is important for good cardiovascular health.
Beet juice is also highly recommended for pregnant women and for those who are planning on becoming pregnant. This is because beets contain folate, a vitamin of the B group that prevents certain birth defects, especially those associated with the spine column.
Aside from folate, beet juice is also rich in vitamin C, dietary fiber, manganese, magnesium, iron, copper, potassium and phosphorus.
Even though it is rich in sugar, beet juice is low in calories, which makes it suitable for people who are on a weight loss diet.
Juicing beets
Beets are in season for the whole summer, from June to early October. That is the best time for finding nice, tender beets. Aside from the classic, deep purple beet, other varieties that can be used for juicing include golden yellow, white and rainbow beet.
Beet root is not the only part of the vegetable that is used for juicing, because its greens are also very nutritious and healthy. The skin of the root should be removed before the beet is placed in the juicer. One glass of beet juice per day is more than enough, in fact more than that can cause abdominal cramps. The juice works best if combined with fresh carrot juice and apple sauce.
The only problem with beet juice is that it stains not only the clothes but the skin too, which is why it is recommended to wear latex gloves while preparing the juice. If a few drops do escape, they can be removed using lemon juice.
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