It has to be said that losing weight rapidly is not healthy.Extra pounds are usually something that builds up over years and it would befoolish to expect they can come off in a matter of days or weeks. It is truethat some weight can be lost in that period with the help of extreme measures,but that is not the safest thing for the organism.
Fast diets
A type of diet that has been used commonly all around theglobe is a fast, fad type. This type of diet will help people in eliminatinga decent number of pounds in a short period of time but also, it is something thatmight not be the healthiest thing for the body. All fast diet have the sameprinciple – to bring the organism to the edge of starvation. Even though theorganism will respond automatically trying to save energy resources as much aspossible, the need for energy will be so great that fat burning process willdefinitely start. It has to be said that this does sound logical and correct.The problem is that we are beings who require constant supplying with energy,which is gained through food and we are simply not made for food depriving. Fastdiets use very small amount of fats and carbs, only proteins can be used (Atkinsdiet, for example). Another problem is in fact that certain organs in ourorganism use only carbs as energy sources, and the brain would be a great example. The processin the organism that supplies the energy through the fat burning process might create certain products that could prove to be very toxic, which is whythese diets should not last for more than two weeks.
After the diet
As already said, a lot of pounds can be lost with this diet,some from excessive fat tissue but some from muscle tissue. But then anotherproblem emerges. These are extreme diets and people somehow manage to gothrough those couple of weeks. But when the diet is over, people tend to returnto old eating habits, which will return those pounds in a very short time. So, diet plans that work fast do exist and they areeffective (Atkins diet, cabbage soup diet, zone diet etc.), but as always, whether or not they will really be effective depends on the diet user –pounds will be lost, but will they stay lost for good, that depends only on thecharacter of the person.
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