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Exercising has many different forms but they all lead to one thing, nicely shaped and also strong body. Basically, that is all, strengthened and toned muscles and reduced fat tissue. But there are people who really need much more than that and who are willing to learn something new and different. For them, mere physical activity is pointless if there is nothing to wrap the mind around. That is why these people turn to martial arts. What is the point of martial arts? To make it simple, martial arts are about defeating your own weaknesses and through that defeating the opponent physically and easily at the same time.

Types of martial arts

Martial arts are generally divided into two major groups, those based on hitting and blocking and those based on evading and grappling. Even though divided, martial arts generally use all techniques, but slightly changed and modified. This also means that grappling martial arts use punching and kicking but far less than karate, for example. Karate is one of the most popular martial arts today and it really has a lot of practitioners. It came from Japan, just as many other martial arts. It is based on punching, kicking, blocking and evading. Karate techniques review can tell us what this martial art is all about.


Repeating one motion for thousands of times will definitely teach a practitioner that motion. This is the basic training session for all who start practicing karate or any other martial art. So, basically, it could be said that it is a type of cardio workout, but there are also exercises that increase the strength of the muscles. This means that body will be completely developed, but a person will learn how to defend against any kind of opponent. Next level in karate learning is kata. This is a set of different motions, combining all possible movement into one fast execution. Kata has to be performed precisely and accurately, at a certain speed. Actually, karate competitions have two elements, 1 on 1 fighting and performing kata (solo, or in group).

The problem

As always, there has to be some problem, and when it comes to competitive karate, the problem is in weight categories. This means that a karate practitioner who intends to participate in tournaments has to practice with someone who has similar weight. This is logical, but on the other hand, that practitioner will become used to fight against this weight only and what will happen when someone who has couple of dozens of pounds more stands in front of him or her? This is why some people think that competitive martial arts are actually setback for traditional performing.

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