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Cod liver oil capsules used to be among the most popularproducts in most drugstores everywhere around the world. They were a favoriteamong most moms as they gave them to their kids in order to enhance theiroverall health. Another good thing about cod liver oil capsules was that theywere rather inexpensive so they were available to everyone. Unfortunately, thisis not the case anymore due to the dangerous levels of ocean pollution thesedays. Fish from the ocean has become polluted and it is a very serious matter,because it is one of the main sources of food. The main reason for this ismercury. Mercury is a very powerful poison which is known for causing severebrain damage. It is capable of triggering memory loss, dementia, Alzheimer’sdisease and many other related illnesses. In order to preserve the health ofthe brain, one needs to avoid alcohol beverages, medicinal drugs, recreationaldrugs and tobacco products as much as possible.

Purified Omega 3 Oil

Fortunately enough, purified omega 3 oils have beenavailable on the market for the past couple of years. These oils are producedfrom fish oils from which all the harmful contaminants have been removed. Theseoils are also sometimes referred to as pharmaceutical grade fish oils. It isimportant to be aware of the fact that just like any other type of oil, omega 3oils can also become rancid after being consumed. This is why one must ingestplenty antioxidants to keep the oil healthy even after the ingestion.Antioxidants are very efficient in fighting off the free radicals and reducingthe amount and severity of damage they cause inside the human body. The bestsources of antioxidants are various different types of vegetables and fruits,so it is rather easy to get hold of them. The most popular antioxidant sources includepomegranate juice, black currant juice, acai juice, mangosteen juice, nonijuice, blueberries, dark tropical fruits and various dark berries. One shouldalways stay away from all the processed, refined and frozen foods because theymay contain certain harmful ingredients such as artificial sweeteners, fructosecorn syrup, sugar and food colorings. Unfortunately most people are unaware ofall the harmful effects of such foods until they get diagnosed with someserious medical condition. It is also very important to be fully aware of allthe pollution which surrounds us, and try to contribute to it as little aspossible.

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