There are a large number of people who suffer from hair loss because it is a fairly common medical condition. There are numerous different methods of treatment for hair loss and the improvement of overall hair health. There are also certain home remedies which can be used in some cases. Certain hair loss cases do not have to be treated with pharmaceutical treatments. Aromatherapy can be of great help for all those who suffer from bald patches and thinning of the hair. The blend needs to be massaged into the scalp for a couple of minutes right before going to sleep. The scalp needs to be wrapped in a towel because it increases the absorption of the beneficial oils.
The oils which are most commonly used for the treatment of bald patches and hair loss include bay, grapefruit, lavender, lemon, rosemary, roman chamomile and ylang ylang. One may also try out an excellent blend of oils which consists of 2 drops of Atlas cedar wood, 2 drops of thyme, 3 drops of rosemary and 3 drops of lavender. It is important to stress out that essential oils must not be applied directly onto the scalp. They always need to be mixed in a certain type of carrier oil first. An excellent choice would be a mixture of 4 teaspoons of grapeseed oil and half a teaspoon of jojoba oil. This mixture needs to be rubbed into the scalp and left there for a couple of minutes. After that, one needs to wrap the head with a warm towel. Those who have thinning hair often need to check the balance of nutrients they intake because nutritional imbalance is often the main cause for such medical problems. There are certain types of food items which can be consumed in order to improve the condition and reduce the thinning of hair. Leafy greens are an excellent source of folic acid and several other types of vitamins. Brown rice, nuts and seeds are all exceptional sources of vitamins from the B complex. Vitamin B can also be taken in the form of supplements. Eggs, fish and chicken are amazing sources of protein which is very important for the proper growth of hair. Edible seaweed, parsley, tofu, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds provide the precious iron. Cucumbers and oats provide the person with silica, pumpkin seeds, oysters and nuts provide the precious zinc, while flaxseed provides the body with the beneficial linolenic acid.
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