Hair Loss
This problem cannot be cured for sure, but there are some remedies and treatments that can eliminate it. We will talk about several remedies that have given good results with the tackling of the hair loss problem.
The first remedy is a massage. Try to massage the scalp every day for several minutes. This may stimulate the hair and make it grow by affecting and increasing the blood flow to the hair follicles. Several massagers can be acquired and used on the hair loss. They are used on the scalp area. Qi gong is a method that comes from Orient and it can bring an increase of the face and scalp circulation. Mix of four ounces of sesame, almond or soybean oil and six drops of lavender. This mixture needs to be applied on the head and left for 20 minutes. Androgenic alopecia is caused by the DHT. This problem can be eliminated with the use saw palmetto, which is popular for its effect on the benign prostatic disease. This remedy can be very effective in hair loss problem, but the prevention with the use of this remedy gives a bit more results than curing. Next remedy we will give you is nettle root extract. The hair will benefit greatly, because it contains some very important minerals and vitamins A and C. This remedy is used for BPH problem, but other remedies that have given good results in fighting against the problem in question are sage and rosemary. These herbs need to be applied on the hair. The shampoo can be made by mixing burdock, nettle, peach leaf, sage and rosemary, and boiling them together.
Problems like eczema, dandruff and psoriasis can be eliminated with the use of jojoba oil. It has excellent effect on the hair because it mimics the sebum produced by the scalp. By affecting the pH levels, aloe Vera can be a great remedy for hair loss. Make a shampoo by mixing aloe Vera, coconut milk and wheat germ oil. Problems like shine loss and brakeage can be eliminated with the use of henna henna, which will also protect the hair and seal the cuticle. Put Polysorbate-80 15 minutes before the shampooing, and it will remove harmful deposits located on the scalp. Cleansing needs to be performed, along with detoxification cleansing. Enema or colonic irrigation can do this, along with oral means. Bulking laxative called psyllium is very popular in America and it is a great cleanser.
The exercises cannot affect the hair growth directly, but they can do that indirectly by bringing more oxygen to the cells, increasing blood flow, aiding food digestion and in many other ways.
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