A Unique, Individual Problem
When we talk about stress, we cannot be general in explaining it. This is because this condition is not a general one. Namely, each single individual is affected by different stressful occurrences and, therefore, different things increase our stress levels.
However, we could define stress as the frustration stemming from your feeling of incapability of dealing with life problems. Thus, some people experience stress when they cannot cope with their needs or needs of other people, while others get stressed-out once they are exposed to public pressure. Either way, stress makes you feel suffocated and helpless, forcing you to nervously spend time, lacking concentration necessary for solving your problems. This prevents one from living life normally and interferes with every aspect of his/her existence affecting sleep patterns, relationships, mood etc.
So, all in all, stress strikes when the demands around us exceed our resources, regardless if these are psychological, emotional, financial, physical or any other.
Stress Is a Killer
Even though stress can be useful for motivating you into boosting your performance, when appearing excessively and persistently in your life, it can be more than a life-threatening problem, leading to many diseases and health complications.
The causes of our stress affect our brain, which perceives these factors as threatening. Thus, work problems, relationship issues and numerous other problems can all trigger excessive stress in our lives. Usually, failure in any of these fields makes us lose hope and lose motivation, creating an opening for negativity, depression and, therefore, stress.
We feel that all is lost and that there is no way of success in a certain field. So, we start feeling miserable and haunted by our incapabilities. Subsequently, we seek refuge in alcohol, addictions and other counter-productive, escapist, measures. However, this usually takes place after long-term exposure to stress.
Moreover, prolonged exposure to stress can lead to the development of certain mental disorders like depression, phobias and others. Also, our bodily health depends greatly on our mental and emotional well-being. So, if we are constantly frustrated by some factors, our physical health will be affected as well. Thus, once we are troubled by stress, our body gets more prone to infections and diseases. Additionally, our digestive system suffers, leading to pain, diarrhea, constipation and even ulcers. Finally, our heart may start experiencing problems like hypertension and we might suffer from strokes or even develop cancer.
Thus, stress is quite a negative aspect of our existence and should be kept at bay, enabling us a healthy, happy life.
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