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Stress and Human Culture

The human population of this planet is quite rich in diversity. So, we are all members of different communities and groups of people. Many times different cultures perceive life differently. For example, religion influences one's view and understanding of life. Thousands of different religions present in the world give us thousands of different ways of living subsequently.

In the same way, people have various unique methods for understanding and coping with stress. Stress, frustration, nervousness and all negative factors which go hand-in-hand with this phenomenon can lead people to illness, sorrow and, in the long run, even death.

Our culture perceives stress as a motivator for performing more. Since we live in a monetary system, where profit is everything, stress is very useful since it makes you try harder and settle for less, making others earn more.

Fortunately, not all human cultures are so sadistic and selfish, and they understand that stress is a killer, trying hard to fight it instead of using it against each other, like we do.

For example, African people traditionally believe that nothing is as important as leading a stress-free life. Therefore, they are prepared to sacrifice everything they have in order to enable themselves such a positive life.

Learn from History

The African tribes mentioned above used many stress reliefs which are still effective today. They used music, singing and dancing for bettering their mood, relaxing themselves and having a good time, spending time with the people they love and feelgood with.

Music was used even while working, making the whole process more creative and benign. Today, music is forbidden in offices and other workplaces since it may divert your thoughts from slaving entirely.

Also, people from these tribes spent more time together, sharing experiences and helping each other with problems. This had a great therapeutic effect, since they were calmer this way, being closer to each other, having many friends they could relate to and feeling that they belong somewhere. Today, we are all estranged and fear opening our hearts to one another, since we might use each other for personal gain. Again, selfishness and hunger for possessions has made us prone to stress, isolation and inhumane behavior.

Stress as Modern Time Illness

Stressors have a major influence upon mood, our sense of well-being, behavior, and health. Acute stress responses in young, healthy individuals may be adaptive and typically do not impose a health burden. However, if the threat is unremitting, particularly in older or unhealthy individuals, the long-term effects of stressors can damage health. The relationship between psychosocial stressors and disease is affected by the:
  • nature,
  • number, and persistence of the stressors as well as by the individual’s biological vulnerability (i.e., genetics, constitutional factors),
  • psychosocial resources,
  • and learned patterns of coping.
✓ Fact confirmed: STRESS AND HEALTH: Psychological, Behavioral, and Biological Determinants Neil Schneiderman, Gail Ironson, and Scott D. Siegel; 2008 Oct 16.

Finally, perceive stress as bad. Thus, do not indulge into it conforming with your culture. We invented stress, money, possessions and all other things which make our life miserable. However, true purpose of life is being happy, surrounded with people you love and care about, having a good, happy time, cheering, laughing and loving. Don't you ever forget that.

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