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It is very important to constantly exercise and engage in physical activity. There are several very important benefits we have thanks to exercising. Let's mention increased strength of the muscles, fat tissue reduction, normal levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the bloodstream, increased energy and libido, better performance of several systems in the organism (digestive, respiratory etc.)...

Muscle groups

There are several muscle groups people tend to develop first when exercising. Those are torso, arms and abs. Legs and back area are somehow left aside, or as a last option, which is definitely wrong, because the entire body should be developed equally. When it comes to back area, especially lower back, it must be strong because that part of the backbone carries a lot of weight (especially if there is belly fat area present). Strengthening lower back muscles is important because of preventing possible injuries that might happen in this region.

Lower back injuries

A common problem with lower back area is a pinched nerve that comes out from the spine and innervates the surrounding tissue. The problem is, when that nerve becomes pinched, inflammation process begins and it spreads around it. That inflammation causes discomfort, tingling sensation and even pain. Often, the pain spreads down through the same leg.

Lower back exercises

For performing lower back exercises, a person needs to be on the stomach with hands behind the head and raising the torso as much as possible should help. While performing this exercise, legs can be raised too, or fixed on the floor. There are some other exercises that might help. If discomfort and pain are always present, swimming might help. The weight in this situation is gone, but swimming is still developing the muscles. Sometimes, even simple walking might help, because during that activity, lower back is active for keeping the proper posture.


When it comes to exercises for the muscles that weren't done before, it is always important to consult someone with more experience, especially if there is a problem like a pinched nerve, muscle strain etc. Also, keeping the weight in check will help too, because a lot of pressure would be alleviated from the body when excessive fat tissue is gone. Let's not forget regular visits to a doctor, especially if a body is engaged in intensive physical activity. For reducing weight, healthy, slow diets are always recommended, while short and fast diets can help too, but they might be a bit unhealthy.

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