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There are people who underestimate the importance of exercising process, disregarding the effect it has on the health of the organism. And there are several benefits that the increased the physical activity creates. Some of those are enhancing several systems in the body (respiratory, digestive, metabolic, muscle system etc.).

Physical activities

Perhaps the most important thing physical activities create is fat burning process. It might not seem like the most important one at the first glance, but preventing obesity actually helps in avoiding several serious medical conditions. Those are diabetes (induced by high levels of glucose in blood stream and cells not being able to absorb it), heart problems, increased levels of cholesterol, triglycerides etc. Besides the physical aspect, many people who suffer from obesity develop depression because they cannot deal with the fact their bodies have changed drastically. Loss of self-confidence is also present because of the same thing. Exercising will also make performing of all activities easier, and that leaves more energy in the body. With a proper exercising process (which includes a lot of rest), the immune system is getting stronger too. Rest is needed because very frequent and intensive training sessions can exhaust the body easily and that is a direct attack on the immune system.


There are several basic muscle groups that people tend to focus on while exercising. Those are arms, pecs, abs, and quads. Somehow, other groups are put in the background. Of course, this happens with recreational practitioners. Focus is put on all groups if we are talking about the bodybuilders. One of the muscle groups that should be worked out is located in lower back area. This region is important because exercising it might prevent conditions like sciatica and also, strengthening that area will relieve the pressure from the backbone a bit. This is important for those who have extra weight or are simply heavy weighted.

Lower back exercises to strengthen core include several simple yet effective techniques. One requires a doggy position with raising one leg and the opposite hand at the same time. Next exercise is a so-called bridge. Starting position is lying on the back, palms are on the floor behind the head and then the lifting begins, with the help of hands and feet. There are also several exercises that include using additional weight and those are also great for the lower back (usually performed by bodybuilders with barbell and dumbbells). For additional strengthening of the core, making abdominal muscles strong is also important.

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