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Drug Addiction Characteristics

As we all know, drugs create addictions which may be life-threatening in the long run and cause one's both mental and physical deterioration. Therefore, drugs are illegal and addicted people are considered sick and in dire need of an adequate treatment through therapy and detoxification of their bodies. Making an addict stop being an addict is the hardest job of all, since he/she, once hooked up on drugs, may not be strong enough to make a clean break and stop the habit which is killing him/her. Therefore, it is important to recognize drug addicts and take some action necessary for treating them and making them healthy once again. However, different substances cause different symptoms in addicts. Thus, read on to know which drug does what, and how to recognize if one is being under the influence of a certain type of these deadlysubstances.

Facts about Drugs and Drug Abuse

If you notice certain abrupt changes in your teenager's lifestyle, you might look closer into it, since there are behavioral patterns which young drug addicts seem to express. First, they change their friends completely, finding a new group of acquaintances they spend most of their free time with. On the other hand, addicts want to be alone as well, secluding themselves from everyone else. They are prone to lying and stealing and tend to be absent on many occasions where they would be present before. Criminal behavior, estrangement from parents and family, bad marks at school and obvious, physical deterioration along with the delirium and strange behavior going hand-in-hand with drug abuse, all may be additional signs.

People on cannabis have some of their senses boosted, like concentration, visual and auditory senses. However, they have bloodshot eyes, memory loss, slow reflexes and paranoid behavior, experiencing an increase in their appetite as well. People addicted to central nervous system depressants are dull, numb and drowsy and lack physical coordination. Memory loss is possible here too, along with speech problems.

On the other hand, people who are on central nervous system stimulants, express lively, uncontrollable behavior, being aggressive and full of unnatural energy. They do not eat and are extremely irritable, becoming depressed as the drug wears off. Moreover, their nasal pathways may be blocked due to the sniffing of the drug beforehand.

Next are the designer drugs. These drugs completely change one's perception of reality, leading to hallucinations and loss of consciousness, flashbacks, panic attacks, loss of appetite, violent behavior, numbness and many other, highly unnatural acts.

People on inhalants are in a state of short-lasting intoxication. Long term abuse of inhalants may lead to permanent brain damage and seizures. Finally, opiates, like heroin, cause one a decrease in his/her physical sensations, being delirious, confused and sedated. Needle marks are also quite a straightforward clue for these types of addicts.

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