Addictions bring out many changes in the behavior of an addict. Thus, throughout many different cases of drug or alcohol addictions in the past, we know that these states of affairs often go hand-in-hand with many various types of domestic violence. Namely, family violence is quite a common path that addicts take, only to get whatever they need for feeding their addictions.
Types of Abuse Related to Drug Abuse
Children are the most jeopardized group, when it comes to living with people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol. Basically, there have been countless incidents involving sexual, physical and emotional abuse under these conditions. Moreover, people who undergo and survive this kind of abuse often grow up to be abusers themselves, emitting the same amount of violence they have endured.
This, way, the vicious circle is created, since those who have been abused by addicts seek refuge in drugs and alcohol themselves. Even though these escapist measures may provide a temporary relief, making a person numb and tolerable when it comes to living with an addict and putting up with the violence, they also lead to development of new addictions and, therefore, new abusers. In the end, once the effects of the drugs wear off, the victim feels even greater amount of pain, taking drugs over and over again.
The Effect of Drugs
Due to the fact that drug abuse leads to lower levels of inhibition and impulse control, addicts are prone to abusing their partners, family members and children. In some cases, they are aware of their acts, while, in some other cases, they do not remember anything once the damage has been done.
Keep in mind that alcohol and drugs are not the main triggers of violence. There are many addicts who have never hurt anyone and have even been very protective towards their families. Also, being abused in childhood does not necessarily mean that you will become an abuser later. Rather, all these factors depend on the personality of the drug or alcohol addict.
Seeking Help
People who are in long-term abusive relationships, often feel hopeless and reject the idea of receiving any form of help. However, help is available and there are many steps you can take in order to get it.
First of all, you can always call the police. Alternatively, you can get in contact with your family doctor, asking him/her for help. Seeking assistance from an emergency room at your nearest hospital can also be a possible way out, especially if you have been seriously injured by the abuser.
Additionally, there are many hotlines for prevention of domestic violence. Thus, you may report your case through these. If you fear that exposing the addict will only make matters worse, you can use the services of shelters for abused women and children or seek help from social services. Furthermore, family counseling may be a possible way out along with going to family resource centers or, sometimes, even to the church.
Keep in mind that abuse is not based on love. So, if you are abused, do not fear the fact that you want help, or be ashamed of the steps you are about to take. Ignoring the abuse can prove to be fatal. Thus, seek help before too late.
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