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Say No to Smoking during Pregnancy

We all know that smoking is bad for ourhealth. Yet, many people are unable to stop smoking even when theyknow that their habit can kill them eventually. Moreover, pregnantwoman who smoke risk the health of their baby with every cigarettethey smoke. Be careful, since there are many health problems yourbaby might have, directly caused by your selfish desire to poisonyour own body with addictive substances which are a far cry fromhealthy. Read on to find out exactly how smoking affects you soon tobe born baby.

Smoking and Pregnancy

Cigarettes contain more than 2000harmful materials, mainly toxins and dangerous chemicals. All thesecan affect the development of the child inside your body since, whileyou are smoking, your baby is exposed to the negative effects of thisaction too.

The first way in which cigarettes canaffect your baby is the body weight. Namely, babies born from asmoker mother tend to weigh less than those whose mothers are notaddicted to cigarettes. Moreover, these, lighter babies are likely toexperience more health problems in life and during childhood thanthose babies who are born healthy and in good physical condition.

Many abnormalities may affect thenewborn child, solely due to smoking of the mother. Eye problems,aesthetic and symmetry defects, ear, face and spinal cordmalformations as well as bowel problems are just some of manypossible negative effects of tobacco consumption inflicted upon yourbaby.

All these problems may evolve duringthe life of your child, triggering asthma and numerous other healthcomplications which will trouble him/her through life. This is a highprice your own child has to pay for your unhealthy habit. Therefore,make sure you stop smoking before having a baby and provide yourfuture child proper development in your own, healthy, body.

Quitting smoking is a hard process,since nicotine develops an addiction. Surely, you will face numerouswithdrawal symptoms. However, you are to stay persistent for the sakeof your child. After the birth, you are supposed to continue yourlife without cigarettes since you do not want your child to make thesame mistakes you did. Keep the child safe from smoke and avoidtaking him/her to environments where there is cigarette smoke around,since passive smoking can be just as dangerous as cigarette smokingis.

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