Only the Tenacious Prevail
Smoking is a terrible habit. Not onlydoes it affect your health, but it also causes people around youexposed to many unhealthy aspects of cigarette smoke. For these andfor many other reasons, people decide to quit smoking at some pointof their lives. However, most of the times, they have not got thestrength to endure the troubles this decision brings. Namely, one whodecides to stop smoking is to take his or her own words quiteseriously and stick to the decision. Nevertheless, people are oftenstrong on words rather than actions and, usually, they only quitsmoking hypothetically, defending themselves by claiming that theyare addicted and cannot possibly stop. Also, many are afraid ofenduring the withdrawal symptoms which are to strike once a persondecides not to smoke a single cigarette again. In fact, there aresome withdrawal symptoms related to nicotine addiction one may have.But, the main enemy of a smoker is his own smoking self.
Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms
First and foremost, once a persondecides to quit smoking, he or she will firstly start coughingexcessively. This, however, is nothing to be afraid of. Rather, arecently ex-smoker's organism is experiencing abundance of oxygen forthe first time in a long time. Thus, it is using this valuable chanceto expel all the unwanted poisonous material from one's lungs.Therefore, this cough is a very good sign since it is the first steptowards your body's regeneration.
Secondly, some people claim thatquitting smoking will make a person more nervous, since cigarettesserved as a sort of sedative for the smoker. This is not true. Eventhough, while smoking, one may feel that he or she is relaxedwhenever inhaling cigarette smoke, it is not so. After quitting, youwill usually realize that you never even needed cigarettes, sincecoping with difficult situations will prove to be much easier onceyou have a clean organism.
Additionally, other smokers say thatthey do not want to stop since they are afraid of gaining weight.This is only true if an ex smoker finds satisfaction in some type offood and, for example, eats a bar of chocolate every time he or shewants to light up a cigarette. Otherwise, self control and selfawareness prevent one to gain weight once he or she stops smoking.
Finally, smokers often think that theywill constantly be in a bad mood without cigarettes. However, youshould not let this get you down. Do not allow cigarettes andnicotine to control what you are. If you are positive and cheerfulwith cigarettes you will be even more of that without them. You arethe key to your own success, not a bunch of dry plants wrapped in asheet of paper.
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