Quit Smoking TipsSmoking is a very bad habit that may cause various illnesses such as cancer, stroke, heart disease etc. According to U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention more than 80% of Americans smoke a cigarette each day. People should be encouraged to quit smoking and this article offers easy and effective methods to withdraw from nicotine for lifetime.
First of all, if you want to quit cigarettes, you must have the will. Strong will and desire are prerequisite for smoking cessation and preventing smoking relapse. Secondly, proper mindset is important to help you following quit smoking plan.
Below are listed 6 steps that will assist you in your endeavor to quit smoking.
Step 1. Think About Quitting
It is normal for people to try to quit smoking several times before they succeed. Just, try not to lose hope. Learn as much as you can about cigarette smoking and associated dangers and it will give you a stronger will to leave this nasty habit.
Step 2. Smoking Effects
It is a proven fact that smoking is harmful and damages health. Every year, more than 500,000 U.S. citizens die due to smoking-related diseases. Smoking affects skin, teeth and general well being. Smoking is also very damaging to passive smokers and pregnant women. Life expectancy is significantly decreased in adult smokers. Some of the possible health effects of smoking include: heart disease, lung cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, snoring, infertility, gum disease and thyroid disease.
Step 3. Preparation
Planning and preparing to quit smoking are essential for success. You have to prepare your body and set your mind before quitting. You must choose your goals and determine the reasons for quitting. This is important because nicotine is highly addictive substance and difficult to quit.
Step 4. Tips for Quitting Cigarettes
You must create a plan for quitting and choose lifestyle changes that will help you in your endeavor. You must learn to overcome symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, avoid temptation to start smoking again and above all you have to be committed. Also, there are support groups that will provide you help to maintain smoking-free life.
Step 5. Stop Smoking AidsThere are 7 different over-the-counter stop smoking aids that have been approved by the U.S. FDA. They offer help in dealing with nicotine withdrawal symptoms and cigarette cravings. They include nicotine nasal sprays, nicotine lozenges, nicotine inhalers, nicotine patches, nicotine gum, and stop smoking pills.
Step 6. Prevent RelapseThe highest risk of returning to smoking is in the first three months after you have quitted. Temptation to light a cigarette will certainly occur but you must learn how to avoid nicotine cravings and stay on the right track.
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