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How to

When it comes togaining weight, results are not always satisfactory. This means that somepeople do manage to reach their desired weight, whereas many others do notsucceed in this task, no matter how hard they seem to try. Well what we know is that the desire itself and advice from the gyminstructor, enriched with a supplement or two, will just not be sufficient toenable a person a quick weight gain boost. In order to achieve those results, one should first get well acquainted with those factors that makethe entire process of weight gin much more difficult than it looks and than itshould actually be.

Guilty party number 1– Improper diet – meaning that quite a number of people do not pay attention tothe intake of just the right amount of proteins, but consume a fairly largequantity of simple carbs, therefore making their diet unsuitable for weightgain.Guilty party number2 - exercises not intensive enough –this does not mean that a person should overdo with exercising to the point hedrops dead tired, but during the entire exercise program, one should alwaysstrive to put the body under stress far greater than usual, in order to enablemuscle growth and weight gain, come to that.Guilty party number 3– absence of consistency – many people fail to go with the exercise program tothe end, giving it all up in case results are not there within a week, or evenless. But if a person seeks to improve his/her weight, then he/she will haveto be extremely persistent and consistent, for without the two, one isnot going to get anywhere, let alone see results any time soon. And this hasproven to be true more than once.

Weight gain advices

In order to reach theultimate goal, a person needs to adhere to the following advice and steps:

Consuming more calories than a body iscapable of burning is recommended, i.e. a person needs to eat more.One should take up thesix-meals-per-day regime (one every 3h).Consumption of proteins also needs tobe increased.Workout should be limited to one hour the most, preferably even under one hour for the ultimate effect.Stick to those free weight exercisesthat involve more than one muscle group.Opt for those heavier weights and lowreps, making short pauses before continuing with each set of exercises.Limit your exercise session to no morethan 2 or 3 exercises per one part of the body.

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