Facts behind Plyometric Exercising
Those athletes or people who enjoydoing the sports often, who want to improve their performance andcoordination, can all only benefit from indulging into plyometricexercising. This workout method manifests through rapid movement oflimbs with excessive focus and concentration. Thereby, this approachimproves both your nervous system and your physical performance,resulting in faster and more effective movements, providing you withmaximum effectiveness. Many people have already experienced andenjoyed all that plyometric workouts can bring. Without further ado,read on and discover the truth behind this miraculous methodyourself.
How To Perform Plyometric Workouts?
These exercises vary in difficulty andintensity. Therefore, you have to make the adequate combinations inorder not to force yourself too much or, at the same time, makeinsufficient improvement. Also, these are best when combined withsome other exercises focusing on strength development such as weightlifting and similar ones. Make sure you do not force your lower bodytoo much, since the exercises for this part are quite demanding. So,it is best not to do more than three of them, limiting therepetitions.
The first plyometric exercise is squatjumps. These are performed by standing straight, with you shoulderswide apart and your elbows at a 90 degree angle to your arms. Then,bend your knees until your thighs are in the same position as theground below it, performing squats. Next, jump as high and fast asyou can, in an upward direction, landing back in the initialposition.
The next exercise involves a similarinitial position, only with your legs slightly bent and your armsnext to your legs. In such a position, start jumping so as to touchyour chest with your knees. Repeat as soon as the balls of your feettouch the ground, reducing the pause between repetitions to aminimum.
For the following exercise, you willneed an object which is not too high and which you can jump overeasily. Place this object on the floor, stand next to it and jumpover its sideways. At the same time, make sure you jump as high as youcan and bend your knees as much as possible. Also, landing andrepeating should happen at almost the same time.
You may implement a medicine ball inyour plyometric workout session. Stand with your feet at the samewidth as your shoulders, bend your knees slightly and take themedicine ball in your hands. Then, without bending further, take theball above your head, throw it down on the floor, and pick it up onceagain, repeating the procedure immediately. You may perform avariation of this exercise, involving you standing next to a wall ina same position. Then, throw the ball at the wall and grab it as itbounces, repeating the process as fast as you can.
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