Jump Sky High
Vertical jump is an excellent exercise done by many who desire to enhance the agility and strength of their legs and hips. Many professional basketball players became who they are by exercising vertical jumps regularly. This way, they made it possible to jump higher than most people can, performing those incredible slam dunks we all watched without even blinking. Nevertheless, in order to achieve the maximum effect from this exercise, you need to practice it regularly and thoroughly. As, it is the case with many physical exercises, it takes a lot of hard work before you get to enjoy many of the positive effects. Therefore, once you start practicing, jump and train your muscles as much as you can, pushing your self beyond your limits, achieving the best results thisway.
Several Vertical Jump Workout Programs
Firstly, even though pushing your muscles over their limits is the key, you do not want to push them too hard and cause injuries. Thus, make sure you never start you exercising without stretching and warming up beforehand. Also, during the workout, make sure you do not overdo it excessively. You need to go a bit further than your limits allow, but you need to be careful not to get hurt.
Now, as far as the exercises are concerned, you might consider starting with your legs low down and jumping forward instead of vertically. You can repeat these jumps 20 times per series. Again, in order to protect yourself from injury, do this while having a flat terrain under your feet.
Next, rhythm is very important for your jumping coordination. So, use it to your advantage. Start from a crouching position and jump as vertically high as you can, keeping your hands raised. After the jump, return to the initial position and repeat by following certain rhythmic patterns. Again, 20 repetitions in two series will be enough.
You might introduce a higher standing point onto which you will jump after performing the previous exercise. Also, you may modify these patters by trying to bend your knees while in jump. These all are possible variations made for different series of your vertical jump workout session.
Alternatively, you might consider jumping from a squat position back into it. Moreover, you may make squats a part of your exercise program since they are very useful for developing all the muscles you need for the vertical jump.
If you are training for basketball efficiency, you might stand under the basketball rim and try to jump as high as you can, until you can easily grab it. Finally, a jumping rope may prove to be an effective addition to your training, as it also strengthens your legs significantly, improving their coordination at the same time.
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