Sodas, the Covert Enemy of Human Health
People, especially children, consume sodas regularly. These are one of the greatest joys of childhood, as all of us remember the euphoric feeling we felt every time we were supposed to enjoy these tasty beverages. However, people, being preoccupied with alcohol, smoking, drugs and other dangerous substances seem to have forgotten to doubt the health values of these synthetic beverages. Still, there are plenty of things we should be afraid of, damaging our health with each gulp of these cheerful drinks. One of the most dangerous substances found in sodas is phosphoric acid. Thus, the following lines will try and describe the effect of this element onto one's health, solving the question whether sodas are good for everyday consumption or not.
Sodas and Phosphoric Acid
Before even discussing the negative effects of phosphoric acid in sodas, we need to mention the grim effects of many other substances which get into our organism through soda beverages we consume. Namely, there are numerous additives, artificial tastes and color ingredients as well as many other, potentially harmful substances being basic parts of many types of soda. Sugar is another problem. Sodas are quite rich in sugar and excessive sugar leads to dental and overall bodily deterioration in the long run. Moreover, these drinks often contain caffeine, which is a well know problem for our health, potentially causing birth defects in pregnant women and many other problems. All in all, sodas are made out of dozens of harmful substances. Still, phosphoric acid seems to be the worst one there.
This acid, being responsible for the fizzy character of sodas, as well as for their recognizable taste, is also a source of many different problems. First of all, this acid destroys one's teeth. Then, it increases a person's chances of developing osteoporosis since it disrupts the balance between calcium and phosphorus levels in our body. Lack of calcium means weak bones, resulting in numerous problems regarding our skeletal construction. Moreover, this notorious acid attacks our kidneys, since it triggers dehydration because people do not drink enough water but, rather, exchange it for soda.
Finally, there are plenty more where these came from. However, this handful of harmful substances is quite enough to open your eyes and make you realize what enters your body as soon as you take a sip of your favorite soda. So, be careful and, if you have to drink these beverages, make sure you do it in moderation.
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