Citric Acid Characteristics
This, naturally found acid is quitelight and is used for the human nutrition and preservation of food.Namely, people may consume this acid naturally, through eatinglemons, oranges and grapefruits. However, this sour tasting acid ismade a part of almost all products which are supposed to have such ataste. Moreover, different types of food and drinks are enriched bythis substance in order for it to last longer. Unfortunately, somepeople are unable to consume this acid to their organism'sintolerance of it.
The Facts about Citric Acid Intolerance
First of all, many people tend tomistake intolerance for allergy, once citric acid is concerned.However, this is a misconception since there are differences betweenthe two. Allergy is triggered by a single element which may be foundin certain food or drinks which contain this acid. Upon consumptionof these, our organism's immune system triggers an allergic reactioninstantly. On the other hand, once suffering from citric acidintolerance, your organism lacks proper enzymes in order to digestfood with this substance. So, being unable to recognize the proteinsin citric acid, our organism considers it a threat and releaseshistamine, triggering intolerance symptoms. These include numerousskin problems among which are itching, rashes, scabbing and others.Painful and bloated stomach is a common symptom as well, along withnausea, dizziness and vomiting. The worst case scenario involvesexperiencing hives and getting into an state of shock, needingimmediate medical assistance. Finally, allergies usually strike oneimmediately upon consumption of citric acid. However, intolerancereaction may need more time and a larger amount of citric acid inyour organism in order to strike.
Possible Treatment for Citric AcidIntolerance
The best possible treatment isprevention. Thereby, once aware of your intolerance, you should avoidconsuming citric acid at all costs. Nevertheless, some people decideto try some of many medications made for these specific purposes,capable of aiding your digestion and removing the intolerancesymptoms. Even though these medications may be efficient with somepeople, many still experience intolerance symptoms upon their usage.
For both allergic reactions andintolerance, it is best to seek medical assistance as soon as younotice the symptoms. Moreover, if your symptoms start escalating,resulting in breathing problems or some other complications, you areto visit a doctor immediately, since, unless treated timely, youmight even die.
Finally, if you are allergic orintolerant, read ingredient lists of all food and drinks, avoidingcitric acid at all costs. Also, wear antihistamine injections withyou, serving as a first aid kit, in case you might need it.
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