Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners
There is a reason behind the very existence of artificial sweeteners and it rests mainly upon the very existence of sugar itself. Namely, as most of us know, sugar, in the synthetic form we consume it, has no significant benefits for our body. Yet, its taste is incredibly addictive and makes us want more. Unfortunately, the more sugar we consume, the more our health deteriorates, since sugar leads to dental decay, obesity, blood pressure and cardiovascular problems as well as many other complications. Therefore, people, in order to avoid sugar, have come up with artificial sweeteners which are beneficial for those who suffer from diabetes, as well as for those who want to stay away from sugar for other reasons. Now, this is where another mystery appears, since humanity is unsure whether these artificial sweeteners are actually good for us, or are just another harmful element in our nutrition.
Facts about Artificial Sweeteners
There are several types of artificial sweeteners used in various products as additives. These sweeteners are better than sugar since they have less calories and energy values, while, at the same time, being sweeter than sugar or have the exact same taste. So, these are the choice of many for these reasons. Still, some people doubt the benefits of these sugar substitutes and various professionals in the health and nutrition fields have come up with frightening results regarding negative effects of artificial sweeteners.
Negative Effects of Artificial Sweeteners
First of all, some artificial sweeteners are known to cause bladder cancer, even though most products with this effect had been banned. Still, a widely used artificial sweetener, saccharin is considered to be capable of causing the same problem.
Aspartame, another common sugar substitute, found in countless products available for daily consumption, is probably the most notorious additive of this type. Namely, its side-effects include headaches, nausea, dizziness, vomiting and diarrhea. However, the list does not end there, since aspartame is capable of causing mood swings, vision problems, seizures, fatigue, abdominal pain and many serious diseases such as multiple sclerosis, various cancers and fibromyalgia. Finally, aspartame makes people lose weight even though it triggers hunger.
Sugar alcohols, having less calories than regular sugar, have more side-effects. Basically, they cause many digestive system problems, similarly to aspartame, while, at the same time, being capable of causing allergies.
Last but not the least, chlorinated sugar, found mostly in sweets and sodas, may lead to enlargement of kidneys and liver, possibly affecting one's fertility.
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