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Every person dreams of having a perfectly contoured body, but in most cases that is not that easy to achieve. The main problem lies in the fact that the layers of fat tissues get accumulated over different parts of the body very easily. It is a widely known fact that obesity is a self inflicted type of medical condition. It usually affects those who tend to have poor dietary habits and live sedentary lifestyles.

Prevention is always the best solution, but instead of choosing that, most people tend to search for ways to lose excess weight. HCG is a fad type of diet which was invented by a doctor called Albert Simeons during the 1950s. The diet relies on the fact that the HCG hormone can be of great help in providing the person with a rather fast way of losing excess weight. HCG hormone can be taken in the form of injections, tablets, sprays or drops.

The Diet

HCG is an acronym for human Chorionic gonadotropin. It is a glycoprotein type of hormone which usually gets produced in the bodies of pregnant women during the first trimesters of their pregnancies. The hormone is in charge of stimulating the functioning of hypothalamus and enhancing the burning of the accumulated fats which get stored in the body. People who follow the HCG diet need to make sure that they follow a diet which contains extremely low amounts of calories which is usually no more than 500 calories per day. Most people opt to use HCG in the form of homeopathic drops since they are associated with fewer side effects than injections and are not that unpleasant. The drop just needs to be placed under the tongue and within a couple of minutes it gets absorbed by the mucus membrane.

Oral HCG Complications

The calorie intake remains the same in all cases, be it HCG drops, injections or tablets. Most side effects associated with this type of diet are derived from the fact that the person ingests significantly small amounts of calories. The most common symptoms include increased irritability and food cravings. Other common symptoms may also include headaches, dizziness, nausea and a vast array of different types of digestive problems. Women may experience certain symptoms such as mood swings, water retention, stomach cramps, depression, restlessness, blood clotting problems, breast tenderness and a condition called ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome which is usually manifested via symptoms such as weight gain, excess urination, nausea and weakness.

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