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Omega3 are fatty acids which are generated in our body through proper nutrition. Thus, without eating foods rich in omega3, we cannot possibly obtain these crucial elements necessary for our health. We need these fatty acids in order to stay healthy, especially as we age. That is why more and more people are becoming aware of the power of omega3 fatty acids, including the food rich in these into their diets. These acids keep us safe from diseases and boost our brain function.

Benefits of Omega3 for Adults

Omega3 is, perhaps, mostly known for its power to regulate people’s blood pressure, reducing it when it is too high. Solely 3 g of fish oil a day are enough to protect you from high blood pressure.

Since omega3 regulates the blood pressure, it acts beneficial for the heart too, significantly reducing risk from developing heart diseases. People who consume low-fat food have less chances of developing heart problems, especially when they provide omega3 to their organism, through their diets. The alpha-linolenic acid, the eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid are the three most important omega3 fatty acids for heart protection. Yet, you need to be extremely careful about the dosages, since too much of these acids may trigger strokes and other health problems.

Diabetes and Bones Conditions

Diabetics can benefit from omega3 too. Basically, it increases their levels of good cholesterol and decreases the levels of triglycerides and apoproteins, which are all responsible for diabetes per se.

Also, people suffering from arthritis can find great relief through omega3 consumption since it reduces the inflammation in the joints and stops the enzyme which destroys the cartilage. Thereby, omega3 will increase the strength of your grip, while, at the same time, reducing the stiffness.

Osteoporosis can too be treated with an increased omega3 intake. Mostly affecting menopausal women, this condition leads to calcium deficiency, leading to bones which are fragile. Omega3 boosts the strength of the bones and increases the levels of calcium.

Other Benefits of Omega3

People who are overweight can benefit greatly from omega3 since these stimulate weight loss. Also, omega3 deficiency in your body is known to result in depression, skin problems, mental and behavioral disorders, menstrual cramps and strong menopausal symptoms. So, if you want to counter these, you are advised to consume more omega3 rich food. Men can benefit from omega3 too because it increases their sex drive and cures problems such as prostate illnesses or reproductive issues.

The list goes on and on. All in all, omega3 fatty acids are an essential part of our health and you need to provide them through supplements or food, living a happy, healthy life.

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