Oats Nutrition Facts
Oats are a very important addition to everyone’s daily diet.It can be included in the diet in various forms such as flapjacks, biscuits andcereal bars. A serving of 50 grams of porridge made from oats contains 19percent of the RDA for calcium, 16 percent of the RDA for vitamin B2, 17percent of the RDA for zinc, 18 percent of the RDA for vitamin B1, 34 percentof the RDA for phosphorus, 67 percent of the RDA for iron and 12 percent of theRDA for vitamin B.
Oats Health Benefits
Oats are very healthy and they provide the human body withvarious health benefits. It is one of the best types of food when it comes tolosing weight. It provides plenty of energy and it is best when consumed forbreakfast. Oats may come in very handy for all of those who suffer from highlevels of cholesterol because they are very efficient in absorbing thecholesterol and by doing so, preventing the occurrence of various differenttypes of serious medical conditions. Oatmeal contains plenty of dietary fiber,vitamins and essential minerals which are very important in maintaining theoverall health of the heart. Oatmeal is very efficient in controlling the levelsof glucose and balancing the levels of insulin in the human body, which leadsto proper prevention of all types of diabetes. Oatmeal is also known forreducing the risk of certain types of cancer. Oatmeal is also a very nutritiousand healthy type of food which is highly recommended for children. It isespecially important because it strengthens the teeth and improves their visualappeal.
Oatmeal has a very positive effect on the nervous system.That is all due to the fact that it is very rich in calcium, potassium,magnesium and several vitamins from the B complex. Oatmeal may also come invery handy for all those who suffer from depression and it also reduces thestress and keeps the mind calm. The rich content of dietary fiber in theoatmeal may be very helpful in relieving constipation and similar problemswhich commonly affect the gastrointestinal tract. Oatmeal is an excellent sourceof prolamines which are very efficient in the prevention of the Celiac disease.It contains plenty of proteins so it can be used for the enhancement of theathletic performance. It speeds up various different sorts of healingprocesses.
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