Information on Oatmeal
Oatmeal is one of the mostpopular breakfast meals in the world. It is actually a porridge which consistsof steel-cut oats, ground oats, rolled oats or crushed oats.
It is perhaps the ideal breakfastfor all those who crave an early kick start in the morning. Oatmeal is one ofthe best sources of calcium, insoluble fiber, and different types of vitamins,soluble fiber, essential minerals and protein. It is a very healthy breakfast,and everyone knows that the breakfast is the most important meal of the day.Oatmeal can also be very beneficial in preventing and treating numerousdifferent types of medical conditions.
Oatmeal Nutrition Facts
1 cup of oatmeal weighsapproximately 81 grams. It contains 5 grams of total fat, 25.9 mcg of folate, 5milligrams of sodium, 0.9 milligrams of niacin, 56 grams of totalcarbohydrates, 0.1 milligrams of riboflavin, 8 grams of dietary fiber, 0.4milligrams of thiamin, 4 percent of calcium, 4 percent of vitamin B6, 19percent of iron, 2 percent of vitamin K, 0.3 milligrams of vitamin E and nocholesterol at all. Each cup of oatmeal also contains 307 calories. Of those307 calories 226 come from the carbohydrates, 44.2 calories come from the totalfat and 36.8 calories come from protein. 1 oz of oatbran contains 97 calories,1 oz of rolled oats contains 110 calories, 1 oz of instant oats contains 105calories and 1 oz of old fashioned oatmeal contains only 11 calories.
Oatmeal Health Benefits
Due to its abundance in insolublefiber, oatmeal is very beneficial in fighting different types of cancer,fighting bile acids and reducing their toxicity. Oatmeal can also come in veryhandy when it comes to lowering the levels of bad cholesterol in the bloodwithout affecting the levels of good cholesterol in the blood.
Oatmeal can be of great help forall those who suffer from diabetes because the soluble fiber slows down thedigestion of starch. A Slower digestion of starch makes fast changes in the levelsof sugar in the blood virtually impossible.
Oatmeal is an excellent source ofiron, phosphorus, calcium, thiamine, protein and magnesium which is verybeneficial for the proper functioning, growth and health of bones, muscles andteeth in the human body. Oatmeal can also be very beneficial in preventingnumerous different types of heart diseases.
It is a remarkable source ofvitamin E, manganese, zinc, copper and selenium which makes it an excellentremedy for all those who suffer from constipation.
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