Information on Garbanzo Beans
Garbanzo Beans Nutrition Facts
One cup of garbanzo beans usually contains approximately 270 calories. Garbanzo beans are very rich in numerous different types of nutrients and they include carbohydrates, ash, dietary fiber, water, sugar, manganese, protein, selenium, saturated fat, zinc, monounsaturated fat, copper, polyunsaturated fat, sodium, omega-3 fatty acids, iron, omega-6 fatty acids, potassium, vitamin A, phosphorus, vitamin C, magnesium, vitamin E, calcium, vitamin K, choline, thiamine, pantothenic acid, niacin, folate, vitamin B6 and riboflavin.
Garbanzo beans provide the human body with the much needed precious calories, minerals, proteins, vitamins, dietary fiber and carbohydrates, but at the same time they have very low contents of sugar, fat and sodium. They do not contain any cholesterol at all.
Garbanzo Beans Health Benefits
Since they are rich in molybdenium, garbanzo beans can also come in very handy when it comes to the process of detoxification of sulfites. Sulfites may be harmful and sometimes they are associated with certain medical conditions such as rapid heartbeat, disorientation and headaches. Garbanzo beans are also very efficient in reducing the risk of heart disease and heart attack and also reducing the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.
Magnesium from the garbanzo beans helps in improving the flow of nutrients, oxygen and blood throughout the human body. Garbanzo beans may also come in very handy when it comes to increasing the energy because they replenish the iron stores in the human body.
They are highly recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
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