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What is Mental Hurry?

Mental hurry is a state of constantmental anticipation which causes us to be incapable of concentratingon life itself. Rather, we spend our time waiting for somethingbetter to happen. At the same time, we are ignoring all the positive aspects wehave in front of us, neglecting our work, making less effort duringour actions etc. This, of course is not good. So, we need to get agrip on our lives since living in a mental hurry is by no meanshealthy.

Mental hurry makes us tensed and ourmuscles strained most of the time. Subsequently, we are incapable ofrelaxing and enjoying life. We only concentrate on what we donot have, doing nothing to get it, apart from being mentallystrained.

Manifestations of Mental Hurry

During the mental hurry issue, we arenot actually in a hurry. In fact, we wait for something to come andchange our lives. Yet, the anticipation is so strong that it isself-destructive at times. Moreover, we usually are waiting forsomething that we already have. But, since we lack concentration andwill power, we wait while being under stress.

Also, we compare. We compare our lifeand our current situation with all the other possibilities around us,without acting. We calculate every single moment we live. So, due tothis excessive waiting, we become open to quick fixes for almosteverything in life. We wait for the food to come on our table and webuy a takeaway. Or, we wait for our partner to come from work only tohave a quick sexual intercourse without conversations, let alonespending quality time together.

Also, during mental hurry we wait forthings not to happen. So, high-strung and excitable, we wait for thestorm to pass us.

All in all, we are either greedy,during our mental hurry bouts, or lethargic during our waitingperiods.

The Effects of Mental Hurry and MentalLethargy

During these times of negativeanticipation, the muscles in our torso contract and lower themselves,as if we are to receive a blow. This blow can be emotional, physicalor moral. Either way, it is completely imaginary.

Next, due to the torso contraction, ourback get slouched and our hips pushed forwards. Our head becomespulled down, with our jaw either drooping or becoming stiff. Oureyesight gradually deteriorates due to these changes.

Then, we get bothered by digestiveissues, constipation, acidity, decrease in lung performance.Moreover, our heart gets weaker with the downfall of our metabolismand blood circulation. Our hormones become out of balance leading togland problems and diabetes, affecting our kidneys, liver and spleen.

Thus, act, instead of waiting formental hurry to eat your life away.

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