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The Uniqueness of Fat Storing

As you have probably noticed during the years, each person stores fat in a different, unique way. Some of us gain weight in the belly area, while some turn plump in their cheeks initially. Either way, this has everything to do with the hormonal activities in our body. Moreover, once you manage to track the food which causes your fat gain and to find out where and how fat is stored in your body, you are bound to be capable of controlling your body weight and shape better. For starters, take a good look at your body shape and compare it with several other people.

My Fat – Your Fat

Basically, there are four main fat storage areas in women. However, when it comes to men, this number is reduced to three. The hormones in our body are produced by glands. Thus, our fat management systems are influenced by the activities of the endocrine glands. These are thyroid, adrenal and pituitary. Women have an additional gland, their ovaries. Yet, one gland is always the dominant in your body and, depending on yours, you “wear” your fat in a specific manner.

As for the fat storage patterns, there are people who first gain weight in their stomach and hip area, those who store their fat below the waist, those who have it randomly spread around their bodies and those who have excessive fat located on their back, chest, stomach and hips. The first type is influenced by the overactive thyroid, second by the pituitary, third by ovaries and the final by the adrenal gland.

These glands can be stimulated by specific food. For example, caffeine and chocolate boost the activity of the thyroid gland. Thus, if you consume these too often, you might wear your gland out and force it to reduce its efficiency, causing you to gain fat. If that was not a part of your plan, then, perhaps, you should try changing the type of food you eat, once you realize that the existing one is making you gain weight. This way, your tired gland will get some rest and will restore its functions completely, helping you lose the previously gained fat.

Why Do You Crave?

Once we make a gland dominant, through the food we eat, it gets used to the energy it receives. Sweets, for example, boost the thyroid gland. Thus, once you stop eating these, due to your desire to lose weight, you are likely to crave for it, since your dominant gland will be sending signals throughout your body, needing the energy you had stopped supplying. This triggers a game of will power and persistence. Yet, in most cases, the food takes the victory.

All in all, you should know your metabolic type and eat the food your organism needs. This way, you will have no cravings and will be free from gaining weight.

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