Each shopping list should include following healthy foods.
Fruit and Vegetables
The largest part of the list should be taken up by fresh fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and in addition to that, they have the low calorific value. Every person should have 5 to 9 daily servings of fruits and vegetables.Whole Grains
Most of the cereals should be whole grains. It therefore includes whole grain biscuits, bread, cereals for breakfast and so on. This is important because your body needs vitamins, minerals and especially fibers, which are often neglected in the modern diet.Proteins
Next on the list are fish, meat, poultry, and lean meat which are rich in proteins. Eggs, nuts and seeds are also good sources of proteins. Fresh and frozen fish and lean meat should be preferred. Poor quality non-processed food that you only need to heat up in microwave should be avoided. This food is very rich in fat and sodium.Fluid
Drink should be simple, without unnecessary additives. Water, lean milk, juices and herbal teas are good choices. If a person enjoys drinking carbonated beverages, he/she should choose those low in calories to avoid sugars.Milk
The main representatives of milk products should be lean milk, yogurt and cheese. If a person is not able or doesn't want to include cow milk in his/her diet, he/she should use soy milk or goat's milk. Also, the orange juice with added calcium and lean cheese are very healthy nutrients.Other
While shopping, a person should be careful with sauces, oil and spices. These are the hidden sources of refined sugar and poor quality oil. Labels should be carefully read and olive oil, grape seed oil or nut oil should be preferred.It is good to have frozen vegetables always on hand. And also there are ready made meals - healthy alternative. Such dishes can be a good choice if it is the quality product. One should carefully read labels and choose foods wisely. Frozen pizzas, ready-made sandwiches, foods fried in deep fat and high processed food should be avoided.
Food in cans and jars are also practical. Soups with reduced salt, vegetables and sauces should be chosen. Fatty sauces and high-caloric foods ( e.g. spaghetti in a can) should be avoided.
While making sandwiches, peanut butter or a butter from another nuts or seeds, sliced turkey and sliced lean roast meat should be used. Meat, sausage and hot dog for breakfast should be avoided.
High-caloric snacks and desserts should be replaced with fresh fruits, nuts and seeds between meals.
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