Nutrition in Pregnancy
The greatest fear of any future mother, besides worries about the unborn child, is the fat that is depositing on her body for nine months. Since the newborn weighs only 25 percent of the total gain in body weight of pregnant women, it is necessary to take care about diet and physical activity.According to the doctors' advices, pregnant women should gain 9 to 15 pounds and her diet should be varied during whole pregnancy.
Future mom has to take care of herself and her unborn child. Nutrition is the most important prerequisite for healthy lifestyle. She should avoid the salty and spicy food, sweets, alcohol and cigarettes. Pregnant women need to drink two liters of liquid a day, mostly water. Such a regime will facilitate the period when the baby is born and when lactation begins. Woman's daily calorie needs include 2000-2200 calories. During pregnancy, this amount should be increased by 15 percent, that is, 300-500 calories a day. If it is a twin pregnancy, number of needed calories doubles. Of course, these calories should be consumed in a healthy form - through vegetables, fruit and low fat meat.
Pregnant women diet should be rich in poultry, lean beef and lean pork. Pregnant women should eat meat every day, because the body most effectively absorbs iron from these types of foods. Horseflesh is especially recommended in pregnancy.Also, fish should be on the menu, because it has the calcium which is necessary for strong baby's bones.
Salty meat and meat rich in artificial additives should be avoided.
Dairy Products
Milk and dairy products are the best source of minerals and proteins. Pregnant woman should drink milk and yogurt and eat green cheese, cream and fruit yogurt. Since nutritionists advise avoiding preservatives and artificial additives it is recommended to make fruit yogurt yourself at home. Blend your favorite fruit, add yogurt and a little brown sugar if necessary. Let it to be your daily snack.Fruits and Vegetables
It is necessary to eat fruits rich in vitamin C and green leafy vegetables every day. Fresh foods should dominate in the diet. Beans and nuts are a healthy source of proteins. Vitamin C is found in strawberries, melons, cabbage, peppers and Brussels sprouts. They provide proper development of the baby's tissues, faster wound healing and better absorption of iron.Folic Acid and Vitamins
Pregnant women need 400 micrograms of folic acid per day. It is impossible to satisfy all needs for folic acid, so the combination or the various foods and supplements is recommended. Foods rich in folic acid are whole grain cereals, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, and beans.Iron deficiency is common phenomenon in pregnant women, because many of them start pregnancy with very small reserves of iron in the body. In addition to iron supplementation it is necessary to drink vitamin C which enhances iron utilization.
White flour bread should be avoided, while pastry and pasta made of whole grain cereal should be favored. Pregnant woman should eat unglazed rice at least twice a week, because it is the best source of dietary fibers and the safest way to prevent the emergence of the constipation, which is very common during pregnancy.
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