What are Jumping Jacks?
Jumping jacks are an excellent exercise for all those who want a good warm up, even though this can serve as a main exercise as well. Simple in nature, involving a series of quick and energetic jumps, jumping jack gets you in shape and provide workout for your legs, abs, shoulders, back and other body parts. Therefore, these are the necessary part of many people's physical activity plans. Nevertheless, even though this exercise is easy to be done, you still need to know the right way to perform it, avoiding injuries or any possible problems. Thus, the following article will be dedicated to jumping jacks, their performing and their variousbenefits.
How To Perform Jumping Jacks?
First of all, you should warm up by stretching and using some of various techniques made for these purposes. Then, once you are ready, you can start performing jumping jacks. The initial position involves you standing with your feet and legs next to each other and your arms resting on your sides. Then, you are to jump in one place, spreading your hands sideways, wide above your head, while, at the same time spreading your legs in the same, sideways manner. Before you reach the ground again, you are to return to the initial position and perform the following jump as soon as possible. Make sure you do not clap your hands once they reach each other above your head, since this can result in shoulder injury. Also, as far as stretching the limbs wide, do not overdo it and stop spreading your arms and legs at the point you stop feelingcomfortable.
During the whole jumping jacks session, you are advised to keep your body, abdominal and back part straight both while jumping and while landing. This will reduce chances for injury or inappropriate performance of the exercise itself, maximizing the effectiveness. Alternatively, if you desire to move it up a notch, you can bend your upper body and touch your toes each time you land between jumps. Finally, 10 minutes of this exercise is more than enough.
Why Jumping Jacks?
This exercise has numerous different benefits. It is a form of cardiovascular exercise, increasing your metabolism and boosting your strength as well as stamina. Thereby, by performing this exercise regularly, you will be capable of achieving more through the rest of your workout program since jumping jack form more than an adequate foundation. That being said, warm up, do jumping jacks, and then do everything else your exercise routine consists of.
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