When exercising, most people want only one thing - to havea perfect body. This is something that is not easily achievable, but it isstill something that can be done with some time and a lot of dedication andmental strength. Also, there are some regions of the body that people focus morebecause they think those areas do need more attention. Generally, those areabdominal area, back area and legs. While abdomen and back are areas that all peopleperfect sooner or later, legs sometimes present a problem simply because most people think that leg workout is a waste of time, which is a completely wrong thinking.
So, how to get great legs? First of all, it has to be saidthat term great legs is always different for different people. But, ingeneral, there are two basic ways which can be taken when it comes todeveloping leg muscles, lean and bulked shape. Lean muscles are made with thehelp of aerobic exercises (cardio workout), while bulked up effect is gainedwith the help of additional weight. Cardio workout is using oxygen forprolonging the period of exercising and this is also happening because of the lowlevel of strength needed for performing those exercising forms. Running is oneof the best examples of aerobic exercise. Running has the biggest impact on thelegs because all muscles in legs and feet are active, and if there is some excessivefat present, fat burning process starts. This process actually uses glycogenfirst, and when it is depleted, fat tissue is used.
Besides running, there are several simple exercises thatshould be done for further toning of the leg muscles and those would be calvesraising. All that is required is propping the body on toes while in standingposition. It is a simple form, but it is great for calve muscles. Another goodexercise is a squat. It starts in a slightly crouching position, legs are justslightly bent in knees and hips are at the knee level or a bit above. The torso isbent forward with arms usually set at side or positioned straight forward infront of the torso. From this position, the hips are going up until the standingposition is reached. This can be done with additional weight in the form ofbarbell placed on the shoulder across the back neck. This exercise is good forquads, but also for calves and all muscles in legs. Of course, using additionalweight will create the bulked up effect, while performing it without the weightswill create lean muscles.
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