Homeopathy May Help Preserve Your Teeth
If one wants to preserve their teeth, they should make sure that their caries are filled or erosion has been taken care of. It is of the utmost importance that the element that causes rubbing and abrasion be eliminated. People who suffer from excessive sensitivity and allergies are especially recommended to use homeopathic solutions.
Homeopathy based approach will help reduce the excessive sensitivity in the teeth and their reaction. In the case of damage to the enamel, this type of approach will provide the patient with an additional coat of dentine. If the patient wants to heal completely, the necessary steps should be taken as soon as the symptoms appear.
Medicines that are most frequently used in the occurrence of teeth sensitivity include agaricus, belladonna, chamomile, coffea, Hecla lava, Hydrastis, Kali bich, Kreosote, Phosphorus, Plantago, Pulsatilla, Sulphur, Thuja, and etc. A certified homeopath should always provide the patient with the appropriate advice concerning the remedy intake.
The combination of homeopathy and dental practice can be surprisingly effective. Acute pain in the teeth and the gums can be successfully treated and warded off with homeopathic remedies. Should the need be, the termination of the chronic diseases related to teeth can be significantly helped with the aforementioned remedies.
- Homeopathy is the second largest system of medicine in the today's world recognized by the World Health Organization.
- It is an emerging field of dental medicine that is useful in management of conditions affecting orofacial structures.
- Belladonna is useful for toothache, early dental abscess, and bruxism as well as in cases of postextraction, for example, dry socket.
- Natrum muriaticum drug is used in cases which occur due to cold sores and fever blisters, lips and corners of mouth dry and cracked lips.
- Antimonium crudum, Aconitum napellus, Aranea diadema, Calcarea carbonica, and Chamomilla are useful for a toothache.
- Arsenicum album is useful for unhealthy, bleeding gums, for diseases involving pulp and periapical region.
- Aconite can be used for panic, fright, and general mental and physical restlessness or sudden violent attacks, trigeminal neuralgia.
- Calcarea phosphorica is useful when mouth cannot be opened without pain.
- Phosphorous is the drug of choice for conditions related to salivation as well as to control the postsurgical bleeding.
- For aphthous ulcers, candidiasis, and oral lichen planus, borax can be given.
- Calcarea carbonica is used for a delayed eruption.
- Kreosotum is used for the decay of milk teeth.
How Can a Layman Use Homeopathic Methods?
Homeopathic approach is something that is preferably done with the help of the guiding hand of a trained homeopath. However, the patients themselves can always take an extra step or two on their own, prior to engaging in a more serious treatment.
What you can do yourself first is to consult your dentist. See what it is that is wrong with your tooth or teeth and try to get as close as possible to the precise diagnosis. Thanks to the development and availability of computers, it should not be difficult to you to access the Internet. Be patient and devote hours of research and reading on the path to finding the appropriate homeopathic solutions to your problem.
Homeopathic approach offers and lists numerous healthy remedies and medications, but also you will easily find the instructions related to the specific substance, e.g. a plant. What you do now is go back to your diagnosis and cross-reference it with the list of symptoms that a specific remedy tackles. After some research, you will wind up with a list of medications and remedies that you could use. Then see which of those is immediately available to you, get it, and be persistent in the treatment.
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