Itchy skin or rashes typically occur when skin is in contact with some irritating substances in our environment. It can be some pollutants in the air, water, or swimming pools, ingredients in herbs, cosmetic products, etc. For most types of itchy skin and rashes, the causes are unknown, but some rashes are caused by viral infections.
What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a very good alternative to regular medicine; it treats a wide range of diseases and takes a different approach to how to treat the patient as a whole. Homeopathic remedies are safe, cheap, and easy to use.

Here is a list of such remedies. There are no known side effects, but if you are in doubt, consult your doctor or homeopathic expert for dosage and frequency of use. Depending on the remedy that you are recommended to use, you can apply it once or several times per day. You should start slowly and see how it works. In some cases, the best results are achieved by combining several different remedies.
- Atopic Dermatitis (AD) is a chronic inflammatory disease, affecting over 20% children and 3% adults globally. Many times, it is the first step in the march of allergic conditions (food allergy, asthma, allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis and eosinophilic esophagitis). It usually runs a chronic relapsing course and is only controlled but not cured by conventional therapy.
- Latest research shows that atopy represents systemic involvement and is not restricted to the cutaneous affection alone. Various co-morbidities (cardiovascular, neuropsychiatric, malignancies, etc.) associated with AD seem to confirm the systemic affection. Management wise, the control of itch is especially challenging in these cases despite many therapeutic solutions offered.
- We present 6 cases of atopic dermatitis (AD), which had stability in their improvement for 1?year or more, under classical homeopathy. The cases were retrospectively assessed with selected based on the Hanifin Rajka atopic dermatitis diagnostic criteria and the follow ups evaluated according to changes on SCORing Atopic Dermatitis scale (SCORAD) scale. The pictures are presented as evidence. Modified Naranjo Criteria for assessing causal attribution of clinical outcome to homeopathic intervention was used to assess the effect of homeopathy in these cases.
- All the cases improved and stabilised with complete skin clearance (those that relapsed within 1?year were not included). These patients had not suffered high fevers/acute inflammatory diseases since onset/aggravation of AD. Five of the 6 cases developed acute inflammatory diseases as the chronic condition improved. The last case showed return of an old, lesser pathology. The control cases – which were selected for non-improvement under classical homeopathy also showed remarkable skin clearance when there was appearance of acute inflammatory states.
Homeopathic Remedies for Itchy Skin
Bryonia helps in cases with a hot and dry rash; it relives it efficiently.
Belladonna is the best remedy for cases of rash when you feel throbbing or discomfort, and a sensation of heat, often accompanied by fever.
Rhus Toxicodendron is recommended in cases of blistering and intense rash. A hot water bath helps relieve the symptoms.
Ledum palustre is a remedy indicated in cases of swollen rash. Cold soothes the rash.
Sulphur is best used in cases when a person has irritated and burning rashes, and when washing with hot water makes it worse.
Graphites is a remedy usually used for dry, itchy, or rough skin and pimples and acne treatment. Itching of the skin is aggravated from hot and gets worse at night.
Urtica urens is a remedy recommended for erupting intense rashes, where scratching makes it worse. The application of cold water relieves the rash.
Anacardium Orientale is a homeopathic remedy best used for cases of rashes that came from poison oak, ivy, or other similar plant. Rashes get worse from heat and water contact.
Natrum Muriaticum is effective in areas around the lower edge of the scalp and around bends of knees and elbows. It should be used at first signs of rash or itchy skin outbreak.
Apis is best used in cases of allergic reactions. Areas affected by the rash are pink and swollen. Cold helps to relieve the symptoms.
- Photo courtesy of Rüdiger Kratz, St. Ingbert by Wikimedia Commons:
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