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Constipation and the main symptoms of severe cases

Constipation is a rather uncomfortable and irritating problem of many people, though it is rarely serious and it rarely indicates a serious condition. The fact that more and more people tend to suffer from it should probably not be so strange if having in mind the way in which we live today, the lifestyle, as well as for example, eating, sleeping, and exercising habits of the majority. However, it does not necessarily mean that a person has this problem if she or he does not have a bowel movement every day, because the frequency of that depends on individual. The signs that indicate serious constipation include blood in stools, severe pain in the stomach, absence of bowel movements for more than 3 days, or unexplained weigh loss.

Homeopathic remedies that can help with severe constipation

Besides the changes in the lifestyle, which are usually helpful enough in solving this problem, people turn to alternative methods of the treatment, and one of such methods refers to homeopathic medicines. They are much safer than medications that are usually prescribed by the doctors, and what is even better, they do not cause side effects and they can be taken along with other medications, without having to worry about the possible contraindications and signs of interactions. However, it does not mean that every homeopathic remedy will give the same results in everyone, because different people react differently, as well as it does not mean that the first chosen medication will give results, since sometimes even two or three have to be tried before the positive results appear. Still, among the most effective homeopathic remedies, when it comes to the treatment of severe constipation are:

Calcarea carbonica, which is helpful in cases of hard stools that are altered by sticky and liquid ones afterwards, and it is helpful in cases of those who feel fatigue and discomfort during bowel movements.Causticum, which is suggested in cases when stools pass with difficulty and painful straining, and when stools are full of mucus.Nux vomica is a homeopathic remedy that helps in those who work a lot and don’t have time for exercising, who consume spicy food and alcohol and suffer from headaches and pain in the bowels and rectum very often.Sepia is recommended for those who have difficulties with passing even small stools, as well as in women in which constipation is a main symptom before or after menstruation.Silicea or silica can help when people strain a lot, but without any result, and when stools tend to retreat.

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