Nowadays, constipation is very common health problem that affects people of all ages.
The most important factors that prevent the constipation are workouts, diet and leading a healthy lifestyle. But, there are some homeopathic treatments that can prevent it or cure it as well. Constipation can be followed by some different symptoms, such as chilliness, dryness of the anus, big stools (that get sticky and even fluid later on), tiredness, cold and sweaty hands, the stool full of mucus, the stool shaped like an amount of small marbles, etc. So, here is a list of the most effective cures for this condition: bryonia, calcarea carbonica, causticum, graphites, lycopodium, nux vomic, sepia, silicea and sulphur. And any of these are suitable for a specific type of constipation. Of course, this depends on the dominant symptom. For example, lycopodium is the cure for a condition which includes the problems with gas and flatulence (the sensation of feeling the fullness in the stomach). But, when diarrhea is also present and it is combined with the periods of being constipated, the best remedy is sulphur.
Nevertheless, it is very important to point out the importance of the dosage and other advices for taking homeopathic cures. At the beginning of the healing process, the most important issue is to recognize the symptoms and to establish the connection between them. And of course, to introduce the most appropriate cure into the treatment. The doctor can prescribe the higher dosage, but there are the useful advices and dosage written on the package of every medication.
But, as most homeopathic doctors would suggest, it is a good idea to take a smaller amount of the remedy in the first stage. In order to provide the best therapy there is, the patient should primarily take a single dose of the medication (even if the larger dose is prescribed), so that he can be assured of the compatibility between the cure and the person. In other words, taking the risk with the homeopathic drugs is forbidden as well.
If there is a significant or at least visible improvement, one should continue the planned treatment. But, another dose should be taken right after realizing that the first dose was not effective. And that depends on the person and his/her natural response to the remedy.
Of course, the other remedy should be taken if this one doesn’t show the effect.
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